Configuring a Message Request

You can add a message request to an orchestration to send emails to external email systems or the EnterpriseOne Work Center email system. The following features are supported in a message request:

  • Workflow distribution lists that can be used to send messages to a predefined group of EnterpriseOne users.

  • Message templates from the data dictionary that contain boilerplate text and values related to a particular business process.

  • Links to EnterpriseOne applications.

  • Links to EnterpriseOne reports and BI Publisher reports.

  • Links to URLs.

  • Links to notifications and orchestrations.

For more information about these workflow features, see the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Workflow Tools Guide.

In a message request, you can include variables to pass data from an orchestration input to a message request. You can include variables in the recipient fields, the subject and body fields, a message template, and in links.

Starting with Tools Release, you can use the message editor to create a message body to include rich formatting of text enabling you to use typefaces, emphasis, and colors of your choice. You can create layouts for messages that include links and images that are interspersed with text. You can also include tables and formatted content from external sources such as Microsoft Word.

To configure a message request:

  1. On the Orchestrator Studio Home page, click the Message icon.

  2. Create and name the message request as described in Creating a Component.

  3. On the Message design page, to enter recipients (To, Cc, or Bcc), select a recipient type:

    • Select Address Book to send a message to a single EnterpriseOne user. Enter the address book number of the EnterpriseOne user. The corresponding address book description is displayed next to the Address Book field.

    • Select Contact to send a message to an individual in a user's contact list. Enter the address book number of the user and then the number of the contact.

      When you enter a valid address book number of the user and the contact number, the corresponding description of the contact is displayed next to the Contact Number field.

    • Select Distribution List to send a message to the members of an EnterpriseOne distribution list. Enter the address book number of the list in the Parent Address Number field and select the structure type of the distribution list.

      Depending on the parent address number that you enter, the customized structure type variables: ${tovariable}, ${ccvariable}, or ${bccvariable} are available for selection in the Struct Type drop-down list.

      For more information about structure types, see Structure Types in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Workflow Tools Guide.

    • Select Email to enter an email address for the recipient.

    • Select Logged in User to send a message to the user who is currently logged in.

  4. In the Subject and Body fields, enter text, variables, or a combination of both. To insert variables, see step 11.

  5. (Release Enable the Plain Text option to include a plain text in the message.

    Disable the Plain Text option to add rich formatting to your existing messages. This option is disabled by default for new messages.

  6. (Release To format the messages:

    1. Enter the message in the body field and use the options such as Paragraph, Bold, Italics, Underline, Strikethrough, Bulleted and Numbered List, and so on from the toolbar to format your messages. You can use the Insert Table and Insert Image options to insert tables and images.

      You can also insert action links within your formatted messages. The link IDs defined for Data Dictionary, Application Links, Other Links, and Report Attachments are displayed in the Placeholder drop-down menu. To add an action link to your message, keep the cursor where you want to insert the placeholder, and click the Placeholder drop-down menu and then select the required action link identifier. Additionally, you can add a horizontal line in your message by clicking the Horizontal Line icon.

      Starting with Tools Release, you can add a hyperlink to the text in the body of the message. Highlight the relevant text, and then click the Link icon in the toolbar, enter the required address, and click the Save icon.

      Starting with Tools Release, the following new options are available in the editor:

      • Subscript and the Superscript icons to add mathematical formulas. For example, y = x2n + z3n , a1 = a2 + a3, and so on.
      • List Properties option in the Numbered List drop-down to change the properties of the numbered list order.
    2. To use an existing template, click the Template button, select the template from the left-hand panel in the Templates window and place the template at the position you want by using the Insert at Top, Insert at Cursor, or Insert at Bottom buttons.
      Note: The templates are created using the Work With Media Object Templates(P98TMPL) application.
    3. Optionally, you can click the Preview button to verify the formatted message. Click the Mobile icon in the Preview window to verify how the message appears on a mobile device.

  7. To include boilerplate text from a message template in the data dictionary:

    1. Expand the Data Dictionary section.

    2. If the Plain Text option is disabled, the system displays the DD Link ID field.

      Enter a unique ID in the DD Link ID field and click the Apply button. This data dictionary link ID is displayed in the Placeholder drop-down menu enabling you to add it as a placeholder in your formatted message.

      You will not be allowed to change the DD Link ID after you click the Apply button. The system displays an error message if you enter a duplicate ID.

      Note: The character limit for the DD Link ID field is 50 and special characters are not allowed in this field except underscore (_).
    3. In the Data Dictionary field, enter the name of the message template data item and click Load.

    4. If the message template contains variables, use the grid in the right to replace the variables with a default value or a variable.

      For each variable used in the message template, a row is added to the adjacent grid.

      In the grid, slide the Literal toggle to right to replace the variable in the template with a literal value. Slide the Literal toggle to left to select an existing notification, orchestration, or a watchlist input variable from the drop-down list.

  8. To include a link to an application:

    1. In the Application Links section, click Add and expand the section.

      To set up task tracking, see Setting Up Task Tracking (Release 9.2.8).

    2. If the Plain Text option is disabled, the system displays the Application Link ID field. Enter a unique ID in the Application Link ID field and click the Apply button. This application link ID is displayed in the Placeholder drop-down menu enabling you to add a placeholder in your formatted message.

      You will not be allowed to change the Application Link ID after you click the Apply button. The system displays an error message if you enter a duplicate ID.

      Note: The character limit for the Application Link ID field is 50 and special characters are not allowed in this field except underscore (_).
    3. Complete the Application, Form, and Version fields to specify the form that you want the application link to launch.
    4. If needed, you can define a personal form, query, or watchlist to be used when the application opens.

      If the user receiving the message does not have view access to that particular personal form, query, or watchlist, the application will open without it.

    5. If the Plain Text option is enabled, you can see the Pre Text, Link Text, and Post Text fields. Use these fields to define the text that appears before, as, and after the link, respectively, in the message.

      If the Plain Text option is disabled, you can see the Link Text field. Use this field to define the text that appears as the link in the message.

    6. In the grid, you can use variables to pass data to the application when the application is launched from the shortcut.

    7. Click the Add button in the Application Links section and repeat these steps to include multiple application links in a message.

    8. Click the Remove button (X) at the end of the New Shortcut section header to delete the application link that is added.

  9. To include other links (for example, to launch an orchestration or notification):

    1. In the Other Links section, click Add and expand the section.

      To set up task tracking, see Setting Up Task Tracking (Release 9.2.8).

    2. If the Plain Text option is disabled, the system displays the Other Link ID field.

      Enter a unique ID in the Other Link ID field and click the Apply button. This other link ID is displayed in the Placeholder drop-down menu enabling you to add it as a placeholder in your formatted message.

      You will not be allowed to change the Other Link ID after you click the Apply button. The system displays an error message if you enter a duplicate ID.

      Note: The character limit for the Other Link ID field is 50 and special characters are not allowed in this field except underscore (_).
    3. Select the type of link you would like to add from the Type drop-down menu. Valid values are Orchestration, Notification, or URL.

    4. Depending on the type you have selected, either select the orchestration name, notification name, or enter the URL.

    5. In the Link Text field, enter the text you would like to appear as link in the message.

      This link text appears in the message.

    6. In the Pre Text and Post Text fields, enter the text you want to appear before and after the link text.

      The Pre Text and Post Text fields are not displayed if the Plain Text option is disabled.

    7. Use the grid to work with orchestration input, notification input, or a key for the URL, depending on which type of link you are using. In the Value column, you can enter either a variable or a default value as the input.

    8. Click the Add button in the Other Links section and repeat these steps to include multiple links in a message.

      Click the Remove button (X) at the end of the GroupBy section header to delete the links that were added.

  10. To include report output as an attachment:

    1. In the Attachments section, click Report Attachments, and then click Add.

    2. If the Plain Text option is disabled, the system displays the Report Link ID field.

      Enter a unique ID in the Report Link ID field and click the Apply button. This report link ID is displayed in the Placeholder drop-down menu enabling you to add it as a placeholder in your formatted message.

      You will not be allowed to change the Report Link ID after you click the Apply button. The system displays an error message if you enter a duplicate ID.

      Note: The character limit for the Report Link ID field is 50 and special characters are not allowed in this field except underscore (_).
    3. In the grid, enter Link Text, Job Number, Server, and File Type for the report output that you want to attach. The report output can be generated at this stage by an orchestration or it can be previously generated outside of any orchestrations or notifications. Either standard EnterpriseOne reports or BI Publisher reports can be attachments. You can define the Link Text, Job Number, and Execution Server as variables.

    4. Enable the Send As Link toggle to attach the reports as links in the message. By default, the toggle turned off. Therefore the attachments are sent as files in the message.

    5. Click the Add button in the Attachments section and repeat these steps to include multiple attachments in a message.

      Click the Remove button (X) at the end of the each row in the grid to delete the reports that were added.

  11. To include variables in the recipient types, subject, body, message template text, or shortcut:

    1. Type ${var name} where var name is the name of the variable that you want to include.

      Ensure the syntax includes the $ sign and braces, for example:


  12. (Release 9.2.6) To include file attachments (media objects) in the message:

    Note: Including attachments in messages is only supported when media objects are stored in the database. For more information see Uploading Media Object Files to Database.
    1. In the Attachments section, click File Attachments, and then click Add.

    2. In the File Attachment window, click the Search icon next to the Structure Name field, and then search for and select the required value.

      Depending on the value in the Structure Name field, the values in the Description and Key Value fields are automatically populated in the Keys table. You may delete the automatically populated variable value in the Key Value field and enter a literal value.

      Note: To determine the structure used in an EnterpriseOne application, access the required application using the Fast Path or open the application from the Navigator menu. Search for a record that contains attachments. In the Attachment Manager, click the (i) information icon to see the structure name in the Attachment Information section. For example,Attachment Information Name: GT0801 Key: 6001 Count: 9
    3. Click the Which Attachments drop-down menu and select the required option. The available options are:

      • All: Choose this option to select all the attachments present in the structure.

      • Sequence: Select this option to specify the sequence number of the attachment present in the structure. The Sequence field is displayed when you select this option. In the Sequence field, enter a sequence number or a sequence number variable.

        This image is described in surrounding text.
      • Default Image: Choose this option to select the default image attachment.

      • First: Choose this option to select the first attachment present in the structure.

        The Attachment Type drop-down menu is displayed when you select this option. From the Attachment Type drop-down menu, select any of these options as required:

        Note: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne supports these attachment types: File Attachment, Text Attachment, and URL Attachment.
        • File : Choose this option to select the first file attachment.

        • File Extension: Choose this option to filter the first attachment by extension. The File Extension drop-down menu is displayed when you select this option and you can enter the required extension type. For example, if you enter .pdf, the first PDF file is added as an attachment in the message.

          This image is described in surrounding text.
        • Image: Choose this option to select the first image attachment.

        • Text: Choose this option to select the first text attachment.

        • URL: Choose this option to select the first URL attachment.

      • Last: Choose this option to select the last attachment in the structure.

        The Attachment Type drop-down menu is displayed when you select this option. From the Attachment Type drop-down menu, select any of these options:

        • File : Choose this option to select the last file attachment.

        • File Extension: Choose this option to select the last attachment by extension. The File Extension drop-down menu is displayed when you select this option and you can enter the required extension type. For example, if you enter .pdf, the last PDF file in the structure is added as an attachment in the message.

        • Image: Choose this option to select the last image attachment.

        • Text: Choose this option to select the last text attachment.

        • URL: Choose this option to select the last URL attachment.

      • All of Type: Choose this option to select all the attachments of a particular type to the message.

        The Attachment Type drop-down menu is displayed when you select this option. From the Attachment Type drop-down menu, select any of these options:

        • File : Choose this option to select all the file attachments present in the structure.

        • File Extension: Choose this option to select the attachments by extension. The File Extension drop-down menu is displayed when you select this option and you can enter the required extension type. For example, if you enter .pdf, all PDF files in the structure are added as attachments in the message.

        • Image: Choose this option to select all the image attachments.

        • Text: Choose this option to select all the text attachments.

        • URL: Choose this option to select all the URL attachments.

    4. Click OK.
  13. (Release You can pass in a data set (array) and format that data as a table in the message. To add a data table:

    1. Click the Data Tables section, and then click Add.

    2. In the Add Data Table window, the option Include Header Row is selected by default. Deselect this option if you do not want a header row for your table.

    3. Click Add.

    4. In the Data Set Name field, enter a name, and click Apply. The system displays the value in the Data Set Name field in the header area of the Data Tables section.

      Important: The value you enter in the Data Set Name field must match the data set name in the orchestration step that is the source of the data. For example, the value in the Data Set Name field must be the same as the data set name defined in the data request, form request, or connector output. If there is no matching data set from a previous step, you will not be able to map the individual fields for the table in the transformation for the message step.
    5. Click Edit. An Edit Data Table window is displayed along with the table template.

    6. Edit the header text and variables in the table as required.

      You can click the table and select the displayed options, such as Column, Merge Cells, and so on, to change the table properties. You can also use the Font Color, Font Size, Paragraph, Bold, Italics, Underline, Strikethrough, Bulleted and Numbered List options from the toolbar to format your text in the table.

    7. Click OK. The system creates a table link ID in the Placeholder drop-down list enabling you to add it as a placeholder in your formatted message.

      Note: You can click Add in the Data Tables section to define more tables.
  14. Click the Preview button to preview the message. The preview dialog displays the subject and the body of the message including the data dictionary boilerplate text, links to applications, URLs, orchestrations, notifications, and reports.

  15. Click Save to save your changes.

Note: The Message service requests created in Orchestrator Studio 9.2.4 can be loaded and used in the previous version of the Orchestrator Studio.