Configuring a Report Service Request

Use a report service request to invoke a batch version of an EnterpriseOne report from an orchestration. You can configure a report service request to use the settings that are defined for the report in the Batch Versions program. Alternatively, you can configure a report service request to override the processing options, data selection, and data sequencing of a report.

You can also create a report service request to invoke an embedded BI Publisher report, and configure report service request to use the default settings or override the settings.

A report service request can launch EnterpriseOne reports that are designed with report interconnects. Report interconnects are inputs that are added to a report at design time. These inputs enable a report to run automatically without user interaction. Typically, report interconnects are used to launch a report from a button or exit on an EnterpriseOne form.

In the Report design page, the Fire and Forget toggle enables the report to run asynchronously. When the Orchestrator executes the orchestration, this option enables the orchestration to continue to the next action or step without waiting for the report to complete.

At runtime, when the Orchestrator processes the report service request, it respects the EnterpriseOne authorization security for the report. The user initiating the orchestration must be authorized to run the batch version of the report as defined by an administrator in the Security Workbench. If the report service request includes data selection or processing option overrides, the user who is initiating the orchestration must be authorized in the Security Workbench to perform these overrides as well.

Starting with Tools Release, you can use an orchestration to run a report (or to locate an existing report) and save the output files during the orchestration execution. The report output files can then be delivered in the response of the orchestration itself.

You can configure a message service request to :
  • Execute a report
  • Download an existing report