Creating a Personal Form

To create a personal Form:

  1. Open the EnterpriseOne application form for which you want to create a new personalized form.

  2. Click the Personalize Form icon.

    The Personal Forms Manager side panel appears and the form area is highlighted. The Hide icons on the form designate each control that you can select and personalize for the form.

    Note: A Personal Form design mode behaves similar to the design mode in FDA.
  3. In the Personal Forms Manager, ensure (Create) is the value in the Name field.

  4. Select the Set As Default option to designate the new Personal Form as the default one for the form.

  5. Select the grid format you want to associate with the Personal Form from the Grid Format drop-down list.

    In a Power form with subforms, you can associate a grid format with each of the subforms. (Release

    Note: If a grid format that is associated with the Personal Form is deleted, then the default grid format is automatically assigned to the Personal Form.

    In the Version field, the system displays the associated form version.

  6. Select the Update Tab Sequence option to change the tab sequence on a form. (Release

    The tab sequence of the controls determines the order in which the cursor moves through the controls on the form. Each control that is designated as a tab stop is numbered to reflect the cursor movement. When you press the Tab key, the cursor moves sequentially to the next control (tab stop) on the form.

    When you select the Update Tab Sequence option, the Personal Form displays the default tab sequence as set in the FDA. Change the number in the field to reflect where you want that field in sequence with the other fields. The form automatically adjusts the tab sequence of the remaining fields in the sequence. For example, if you change the tab sequence of a field from 2 to 4, the tab indices of the remaining fields adjust as follows:

    Original Field Sequence

    Adjusted Field Sequence

    Field 1

    Field 1

    Field 2

    Field 4

    Field 3

    Field 2

    Field 4

    Field 3

    While changing the tab sequence, you can enter only positive integers in the fields. If you do not enter any value for a field, the value entered for the tab sequence in FDA is used.

    Note: You cannot hide/show or move the controls in a Personal Form if the Update Tab Sequence option is selected.
  7. Make changes to the form controls as described below:

    • Hiding Form Controls

      You can hide controls in the form that you might not need on a Personal Form. You can show the hidden controls when you need them. Along with the fields, you can hide or show all the available form controls.

      Note: (Release The Hide icon is displayed for all the containers. However, you cannot hide a container if it has a control that is marked as required. If you attempt to hide the container, the system displays a message that you cannot hide it because it has a required field.

      To hide the form controls, choose one of these hide control options:

      - Click the Hide button on the control that you want to hide in the form.

      - Right-click the control that you want to hide in the form, and select the Hide option from the context menu.

      When you hide a field or form control, the item appears in the Personal Forms Manager side panel. These items can be added back to the form.

      Hidden items are grouped by the containers (such as group box and tab pane) they belong to and display the container labels. In case of multiple tabs, the tab names are also displayed. You can expand or collapse the form controls on the Personal Forms Manager.

      When you hide fields from subforms, the hidden items are displayed in the side panel, grouped by their subforms. In the side panel, the term "(subform)" is appended to the container label to identify it as the subform's items. In the form, the term "(subform)" is appended to the subform title to indicate that it is a subform. (Release

      Hovering over the hidden items displays the control information such as Control ID, Control Title, and DD Information associated with the control.

      Note: You cannot hide the grid in a form.

      While personalizing forms with more than six tab pages, you can use the navigation arrows to navigate to the other tab pages. During the runtime, the names of the tab pages of the form are displayed in a drop-down list.

    • Showing Form Controls

      You can show one or more controls in the form that you might have removed from a Personal Form. The hidden items are displayed in the Personal Forms Manager side panel.

      To show the form controls, choose one of these options:

      - Click the Unhide button on the control that you want to show in the Personal Forms Manager. The hidden control appears in the positions it was hidden from the form.

      If you click the Unhide button on the container (such as group box, tab pages), all the hidden items belonging to that particular container appear in the form. Clicking the Unhide button on an individual item causes only the selected item to appear in the form.

      - Select the control in the Personal Forms Manager, and then drag and drop it to any location in the form.

      When you drag an item to a form, the background color changes depending on where you place the control in the form.

      Note: You cannot drag and drop an item to a different tab or to a grid.
    • Renaming Field Labels

      You can edit the name of field labels, the form name, the title of the tab page as well as the title of the group box on a personal form according to your preference.

      Note: Starting with Release, translations are supported for the renamed labels. For more information, see Translating Renamed Labels (Release

      To rename the field label, right-click or double-click the field in the form, and then select the Rename Label option from the context menu. The field is selected as indicated by a dotted border; you can now edit the label.

      With Release, you can use the Rename Label option to rename the title of the tab page and the group box. Note that while renaming the labels, the system does not allow any special characters except an underscore "_".

      To rename the form title, double-click the form title. The title is selected and you can now edit the label.

      Note: You can rename only the title of the current active tab page.
    • Resetting Form Controls

      You can reset the form controls to their original positions on a Personal Form. If you have resized a form control by changing its height and width, when you use the Reset option, the system resets the form control to its original height and width.

      To reset a form control, right-click the control in the form, and then select the Reset option from the context menu.

      If you move a form control out of a tab or place it in a different tab, the control will revert to its original tab when you reset it.

    • Resizing Form Controls

      You can resize the controls within a form by placing the cursor on the blue border in the form and drag the border as required. Similarly, you can resize the form controls.

    • Repositioning Form Controls

      You can reposition the controls within a form. You can select the control in the form that you want to reposition and drag the control to a different position on the form. When you drag an item to a form, the background color changes depending on where you place the control in the form.

      With Release, gridlines are displayed when you drag or position a field on the form. You can use the gridlines to align and position the fields precisely on the form. You can have the fields snap to the nearest intersection of the gridlines.

      You can also use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move the controls in a form. To do so, first click the field that you want to reposition, and then use the Up/Down and Left/Right arrow keys to move the selected field. The gridlines are displayed when you move a field using the arrow keys. This enables you to align the fields precisely on the form. By using the arrow keys, you can move a field only within the parent control such as the group box and tab page. You can use the arrow keys when you have to move the field pixel by pixel, which is helpful in lining up the fields.

      An alternative way to reposition controls within a form is by using the Cut/Paste option from the context menu. To reposition a form control, right-click the control in the form, select the Cut option from the context menu, and then use the Paste option from the context menu to place the control at the insertion point. This option is helpful when repositioning the controls from one tab page to another.

      Note: In Power forms, you cannot move a control from one subform to another subform. You can reposition the controls only within a subform.
    • Marking a Field as Required (Release

      You can mark text fields as required on a Personal Form, indicating that users must enter a value in these fields before they can execute a form-level action.

      To mark a text field as required, right-click the text field in the form, and then select the Mark as Required option from the context menu. At runtime, the form displays an asterisk next to the required text field label if the label is associated to the text field in FDA.

      Starting with Release, you can move a field, which has been marked as required, from a container to another container. For example, you can move a field that has been marked as required from a tab or group box to another tab or group box.

      Note: You cannot hide a field that is marked as required.
  8. (Release To hide, show, or rename Form, Row, and Report exits, click the Personalize Exits link.

    In the Form Menu Personalization window, make the changes as described below, and then click OK. After making the changes, if you click Close on the Form Menu Personalization window, the system displays a warning message. If you click OK, the system does not save any changes made to the form. Click Cancel and then click OK to save your changes.

    • Hiding Form, Row, and Report Exits

      You can hide a Form, Row, or Report exit that you do not need on a personal form. For example, as a customer service manager, if you do not need the Matrix Order Row exit in the Sales Order Entry application (P4210), you can hide it.

      • To hide a Form exit, click the Form tab and then click the Hide button for the menu exit that you want to hide.

      • To hide a Row exit, click the Row tab and then click the Hide button for the menu exit that you want to hide.

      • To hide a Report exit, click the Report tab and then click the Hide button for the menu exit that you want to hide.

    • Showing Form, Row, and Report Exits

      If you have hidden any Form, Row, or Report exits on a personal form, you can unhide or show them.

      • To show a Form exit, click the Form tab and then click the Unhide button for the menu exit that you want to show.

      • To show a Row exit, click the Row tab and then click the Unhide button for the menu exit that you want to show.

      • To show a Report exit, click the Report tab and then click the Unhide button for the menu exit that you want to show.

      An Expand icon beside a Form, Row, or Report exit indicates that it is a parent and has one or more child menu exits. To hide or show only the child menu exit, click the Expand icon and then click the Hide or Unhide button for the child menu exit.

      Note: If you hide or show a Form, Row, or Report exit that has one or more child menu exits, the system hides or shows all the child menu exits when you save the personal form.If you unhide a child menu exit that has a hidden parent, then the system unhides the parent.
    • Renaming Form, Row, and Report Exits

      You can rename the Form, Row, and Report exits on a personal form. This capability enables you to keep more meaningful Form, Row, and Report exit names based on your business requirements. For example, as a purchase manager, you may want to rename the Row exit, Additional Info 1, in the Purchase Order Entry application to a more meaningful and personalized Row exit name based on your business requirements.

      Starting with Release, translation is supported for the renamed menu exits.

      To rename the Form, Row, or Report exit, right-click the Form, Row, or Report exit in the Form Menu Personalization window, and then select Rename Label from the context menu. Alternatively, you can double-click the Form, Row, or Report exit. Enter the new name for the menu exit.

      The following table lists the special characters that you cannot enter when you rename Form, Row, and Report exits:






      grave accent


      exclamation point


      dollar sign


      percent sign






      plus sign


      equal sign








      double quotation mark


      less than symbol




      greater than symbol


      question mark

    Note: You can apply hyper exit security to the personalized Form, Row, and Report exits on a personal form.See Also:
  9. Click Save.

    Note: If you do not save the Personal Form and navigate to any other form, all the changes will be lost.
  10. In the Enter New Name dialog box, enter a unique name for the Personal Form. The new personalized form is saved under the Personal category with the name you entered.

  11. Click OK.

  12. Click Close to close the Personal Forms Manager.

The newly created form is saved as a personal Personal Form. If you request the Personal Form to be published, it appears on the Name drop-down list under the Pending Approval category. After the Personal Form is approved for publishing, it appears under the Shared category. See Common Tasks for User Defined Objects for more information.

  • Accessibility for Personal Forms is available only at runtime. There is no design mode support.

  • Personal Forms do not support right to left (RTL) text direction in the design mode.