Creating a Form Extension Using Business Views

To create a form extension using business views:

  1. Open the EnterpriseOne application form that you want to extend.

  2. Click the Form Extension icon.

  3. In the Form Extension Manager side panel, select the applicable business view from the Select Business View drop-down list.

    This is the business view that contains the columns that you want to add to the form header or grid.

  4. Select one of the following options:

    • Form: Select this option to add columns to the form header.

    • Grid: Select this option to add columns to the grid.

      (Release 9.2.5) When you select the Grid option, the system also displays the business view columns that are hidden in the Form Design Aid in the list of available columns.

    Based on the option that you select, the system displays the columns that are available for use on the form header or the grid.

    Note: (Release 9.2.3) The Form or Grid option will be displayed based on the type of form or the business view selected.
    • In the Fix/Inspect form, only the Form option will be displayed.

    • In the Header Detail form, only the Form option or the Grid option will be displayed based on the business view that you select.

  5. Make changes to the form as described below:

    • Adding Business View Columns or Table Columns

      You can add available business view columns or table columns associated with a business view to the form header or grid. Use the Column Search field to search for specific columns.

      (Release 9.2.5) You can also add grid columns that are hidden in the FDA. You can search for the hidden business view grid columns by using "hidden" as the search string in the Column Search field.

      (Release When you hover over a column in the list of available columns, a tooltip text is displayed, indicating whether the column is a business view column, a table column that is associated with the business view, (Release 9.2.5) or a grid column that is hidden in the FDA. For example, a tooltip text that has Table Column set to "true" indicates that the column is a table column associated with the business view, and Business View Column set to "true" indicates that the column is a business view column. (Release 9.2.5) For grid columns, a tooltip text that has Hidden Column in FDA set to "true" indicates that the column is hidden in the FDA.

      To add a business view column or a table column, perform one of these actions:

      • Select the column in the design panel and then drag and drop it to the appropriate position in the form header or grid.

      • Click the Add button, represented by a green square with a + icon, located next to the column that you want to add.

        Note: (Release 9.2.5) You cannot drag and drop hidden columns to the grid. To add hidden grid columns, you must click the Add button.

        If you are adding the column to the form header, the form control corresponding to the column appears at the default position (top-left corner of the form). If you are adding the column to the grid, the new column is added as the last column in the grid. (Release 9.2.5) If you are adding a hidden column to the grid, the new column is added to its position defined in the FDA.

        (Release 9.2.3) If you are adding the column to a Power Browse form and if the column belongs to a subform, the form control corresponding to the column appears at the top left corner of the subform.

        Select the newly added form control and then drag and drop it to the appropriate position on the form header or grid. When you drag and drop a form control, guidelines are displayed. You can use the guidelines to position or align the form control on the form header or grid.

      (Release 9.2.3) For a Power Browse form that has more than one business view, you can add the column only to the subform that is associated with the business view that you selected. When you drag the column, the corresponding subform is highlighted. You cannot add the column to any other subform.

      Any column that you add to the form or grid has a Remove Form Control button in the design panel and on the form. This indicates that the column has been newly added from the Form Extension Manager design panel.

      Note: For query-only forms, if next numbering is set up for the newly added column, the system does not generate the next number for that column. This will enable you to define the values you want to use.
    • Removing Business View Columns or Table Columns

      You can remove an extended business view column or a table column if you do not need it any longer. Beginning with Release, you can also hide an existing form control that you do not need.

      The Remove Form Control button located next to the form control differentiates an extended form control from an existing form control. Existing form controls have a Hide button (red square button with a minus sign) displayed next to the form controls.

      To remove an extended column, click the Remove Form Control button located next to the column in the form or the design panel.

      To hide an existing form control, click the Hide button. The hidden form control is displayed in the design panel under the Extension Only tab. Alternatively, right-click the control and select the Hide option from the context menu. (Release

      (Release 9.2.6) Hovering over the hidden items displays the control's information such as the Control ID, Control Title, and DD Information associated with the control.

    • Resizing Form Header and Grid Areas

      You can increase or decrease the size of the form header and grid areas. For example, if you want to add a column to the form, you may want to increase the size of the form header area to accommodate the column. Resize the form header or grid area by placing your cursor on the blue border of the form header or grid area and then dragging the border.

    • Resizing Business View Columns or Table Columns

      You can resize the business view or table columns by placing the cursor on the blue border in the form and dragging the border as required. You can resize either the existing columns or the newly added columns. For example, you can resize an existing column to provide space to accommodate new columns.

    • Repositioning Business View Columns or Table Columns

      You can reposition the business view columns or table columns within a form. You can select the column that you want to reposition and drag it to a different position on the form.

    • Setting Filter Criteria

      After adding a column to the form header, you can set the filter criteria for that column. By default, the filter criteria for the column is set to None.

      To set the filter criteria, right-click the column and select Properties from the context menu. In the Properties dialog box, select the applicable filter criteria and select or clear the Wildcard Display option as applicable.

      Note: If you right-click an extended column and the correct container option is not selected in the Form Extension Manager side panel, the system displays an error message, indicating that the selected column is not in the context of the container. For example, if you select the Grid option in the side panel and right-click an extended column on the form header, the system displays an error. (Release

      The filter criteria determines how the system filters the records from the database at runtime. For example, if you select greater than or equal to (>=) as the filter criteria for the Company form control in the Customer Service Inquiry form, when a user enters 200 in the Company field at runtime and clicks Find, the system retrieves only those records that have Company value greater than or equal to 200.

      Note: (Release 9.2.3) The filter criteria context menu is available on the following forms:
      • Find/Browse

      • Search & Select

      • Parent/Child Browse

      • Header Detail

      • Headerless Detail

      • Power Browse

    • Updating Tab Sequence (Release 9.2.3)

      When you add a column to the form header, the maximum tab sequence value is assigned to the extended form control by default. You can modify the tab sequence of the fields on the form by using the Edit Tab Sequence option. The tab sequencing functionality behaves the same way as it does in FDA.

      While changing the tab sequence, you can enter only positive integers in the fields. If you do not enter any value for a field, the current value for the tab sequence is retained.

      Note: If you update tab sequences using the Form Design Aid, Form Extension Manager, and Personal Form Manager, the Personal Form Manager tab sequences take precedence over the other two.
    • Disabling an Extended Control (Release 9.2.6)

      After you add a control to a form, you can disable the extended control.

      To disable an extended form control, right-click the text field in the form, and then select Properties in the context menu. In the Edit Properties dialog box, in the General tab, select the Disabled check box and then click OK. At runtime, the extended control will be displayed as a disabled field.

    • Setting Grid Row Count (Release 9.2.6)

      You can set the number of rows or records that are displayed on the grid in a form.

      To set the number of grid records to be displayed, right-click the grid header and select Grid Properties. In the Edit Properties dialog box, enter a number between 1 and 100 in the Grid Row Count field. The grid row count functionality behaves the same way as it does in the FDA.
      Note: The grid row count functionality is not available for reusable subforms.
    • Marking a Field as Required (Release 9.2.5)

      You can mark text fields as required in a form extension, indicating that users must enter a value in these fields before they can execute a form-level action.

      To mark a text field as required, right-click the text field in the form, and then select the Mark as Required check box in the context menu. At runtime, an asterisk is displayed adjacent to the required text field label if the label is associated to the text field in FDA.

      • You cannot hide a field that is marked as required.
      • If a field has been marked as a required field in FDA, the Mark as Required check box in the context menu is not displayed for that field in the form extension. Similarly, if a field has been marked as a required field in a form extension, the Mark as Required check box is not displayed for that field in a personal form.
    • Associating a Description with an Edit Control (Release and (Release 9.2.6) Grid Column

      You can associate a description with a text field or an edit control on a form in a form extension. Beginning with Release 9.2.6, you can also associate a description with a grid column.

      To associate a description with a text field or a grid column, right-click the field and then select the Associate Description option in the context menu. At runtime, the associated description of the value that you enter in the text field appears next to the field when you tab out of that field.

      The description association functionality behaves the same way as it does in the FDA.

      • The Associate Description context menu option will not be displayed if the text field already has an associated description configured in the FDA.
      • The Associate Description context menu option will be displayed only if the edit rule is defined for the data dictionary item.
    • Enabling a Grid Column (Release 9.2.6)

      You can enable a grid column so that users can edit the grid column at runtime.

      Note: You can enable grid columns only on edit forms.

      To enable a grid column, right-click the column in the grid and select Properties in the context menu. In the Edit Properties dialog box, deselect the Disable Input check box. At runtime, the grid column will be displayed as an editable field.

    • Configuring Display of Fields in Add Mode or Update Mode (Release 9.2.3)

      When adding a column to a Fix/Inspect, Header Detail, or Headerless Detail form, you can choose to display that column when the form is opened in the Add mode or Update mode by selecting the Add Mode or Update Mode option. By default, the Update Mode option is selected and disabled.

      Note: When updating an extended form control, if the primary key for the field is not available because of application Event Rule (ER) logic, the system displays a warning message when you click OK.If the primary key for an extended field is not available in the Add mode, citizen developers can choose to hide that field in the Add mode.
    • Overriding the Update on Form/Subform Business View Property (Release 9.2.4)

      When adding a column to an editable form, you can choose to override the Update on Form/Subform Business View form property setting. Select the Override check box in the Form Extension Manager side panel to override the Update on Form/Subform Business View property setting in real time without customization or accessing the FDA.

      If the Override check box is selected, the form extensibility engine will trigger a separate query to update the extended values irrespective of whether the default business view update occurs or not, overriding the behavior controlled by the Update on Form/Subform Business View property setting.

    • Making an Extended Control Available Only for AIS Form Service Requests (Release 9.2.4)

      After adding a column to a form, you can specify whether the column should be displayed on the form or used only in AIS service requests.

      To specify whether a column should be used only in AIS service requests, right-click the column. In the Edit Properties dialog box, clear the Show on Form check box and click OK. This ensures that the newly added column will not be displayed on the form and will only be available for AIS service requests.

      Selecting the Show on Form check box indicates that the column will be displayed on the form.

  6. Click Save.

    The form extension name is displayed in the Name drop-down menu under the Personal category.

    Note: You cannot edit the name of the form extension because you can create only one form extension for an EnterpriseOne form at any time.

    If you request the form extension to be published, it appears in the Name drop-down menu under the Pending Approval category. After the form extension is approved for publishing, it appears under the Shared category.

    See Common Tasks for User Defined Objects for more information.

  7. Click Close Side Panel.