Creating Search Groups

Before you begin to create a search group, ensure that the "Create" action security is enabled for the EnterpriseOne Search UDO and that all other EnterpriseOne applications are closed.

To create a Search Group:

  1. Log in to EnterpriseOne.

  2. In the upper-right corner of the screen, click your login name.

  3. Under the Personalization category, click Manage Content, and then click Search Groups.

  4. In the Search Group Manager design panel, select (Create) from the Name field on the banner bar at the top of the screen. Enter the following information:

    1. Type the Product Code you want to associate with the search group.

      Oracle recommends you use product code 55 for a customized Search Group. The product code is set to 55 by default.

    2. Enter a Description for the search group.

      If you leave this field blank, the Description defaults to the name you specify when you save your search group. You can update the description using this field after saving the search group.

  5. In the Searchable Content section, choose the type of content you want to include in the search group. You can choose to search over an EnterpriseOne table or a business view.

  6. Enter the name of the table or the business view that you want to add.

    You can use the Visual Assist feature to locate and add a valid EnterpriseOne table or business view. Click the Visual Assist button to display the Data Browser - F9860 form that lists all tables and business views.

  7. Click the Add Searchable Content icon (plus sign) to add the selected content to the search group.

    The name and description of the selected content is displayed on the Searchable Content pane to the left. The pane lists all the content added to the search group.

    The Available Columns pane alphabetically lists all the columns available in the selected table or business view. The right pane consists of three tab pages:

    • Use the Search Detail tab to define the layout of the search, the sort order, which fields can be searched over, and additional filters for the content.

    • Use the Related Information tab to define and map the relationship of the search results to another business view or table. You also specify the columns to be displayed in the related information window.

    • Use the Action tab to specify the applications to be launched from the search result.

  8. In the Available Columns pane, click the plus sign adjacent to the column names that you want to include in the content. The columns you select are added to the Selected Columns section in the Search Detail tab.

    Alternatively, you can search for the column that you want to add by entering the column name or alias ID in the Search field.

    Note: The Available Columns pane displays only those columns that have data type as character, number, or date.
  9. In the Search Detail tab, enter the information in the following sections:


    1. In the Section Title field, enter a name for the search content. This title will be displayed for the content in the search result.

    2. In the Max Records field, enter the maximum number of records to be displayed in the search result.

      The search result will display the exact number of records that you specify, even if more than the specified number of records match the query conditions. The default value for this field is 20.

    Selected Columns

    The Selected Columns section lists all the columns selected in the Available Columns pane. This section is used to define how you want to use the selected columns for the content. If you want to remove a selected column from the search content, click the Remove icon (minus sign) adjacent to the column name.

    Note: When you remove a column from the Selected Columns section, the column will also be removed from the Layout section, Additional Filters section, Related Information tab, and Action tab.
    1. In the Override Label field, enter a label to override the column name.

      When a column is used in the Layout and Additional Filters sections, the overridden label will be displayed instead of the original column name. (Release 9.2.5) When you export the search results, the overridden label will be displayed in the CSV file instead of the original column name.

    2. Select the Filter option to filter the column.

      Note: At least one column should be selected for each search table or business view.
    3. Select the Sort option to sort the column. Click the Sort icon (minus sign) in the Sort column until it reflects your preference of ascending order, descending order or not sorted. The default setting for this field is "Not Sorted", which is represented by the minus sign.

      If you select the Not Sorted option for all selected columns, the search result records are displayed in a standard sort sequence that is determined by the system.

      If you select the ascending or descending option, the Sort Sequence drop-down list is displayed to set the order in which the system should sort the searched records.

    4. Specify the Sort Sequence of the columns.

      To rearrange the order of sort precedence, use the drop-down list to change the column sequence order. The system first sorts by the column that has sort sequence specified as 1, then by the column with sort sequence specified as 2, and so forth.


    Use this section to define the layout of the search results. You use this section to determine what fields are displayed in the search results. The search result records are displayed in the list view format, so that the information displayed is compact and easy to find.

    Click Add Field (a square with a plus sign) to select the columns that you want to display in the search result layout. The list includes only those columns that have been added to the Selected Columns section.

    You can choose to display only the value of the selected column, or display both the label and value of the column. You can also configure the text alignment of the columns displayed and customize the layout by adding rows and columns as required. See Creating a List View Grid Format for more information.

    Additional Filters

    Perform the following steps to add additional filters to the search content to further narrow the search results. You can select columns and add conditions to filter the records.

    1. Click Add Filter (plus sign) to add the columns for which you want to include additional filters.

    2. From the Query Column drop-down list, select the column for which you want to add additional filters. The list includes only those columns that have been added to the Selected Columns section.

      You can add the same column multiple times and set it with different conditions.

    3. From the Operator drop-down list, select a condition for each column.

      The operators that are displayed for each column (such as equal, not equal, between, and in list) depend on the data type of the selected column.

    4. In the Value field, specify the comparison value for each column. You can specify a value or range of values that you want displayed in the search result. For example, if you select the Order Number column and the "between" operator, you can specify the order numbers to be compared.

      (Release 9.2.5) For date columns, you can set special values as additional filter criteria for comparison. Use special values to search for dates that are a specified number of days, months, or years before or after the current date. For example, you can specify that the system displays all orders that have the order date between three days before the current date and two months after the current date in the search result. To set a special value, click the down arrow located beside the Value field. In the Set Special Value dialog box, select Today + or Today -, enter a positive integer, and then select days, months, or years from the drop-down list. Click OK to save the values or click Reset to clear the values. In the Set Special Value dialog box, if you click OK without changing the default values, the date special value will be set to Today."

    5. For the Match Type option, select either of the following:

      - Match All option if you want the search result to include all of the criteria specified in the query.

      - Match Any option if you want the search result to include any (not all) of the criteria specified in the query.

  10. In the Related Information tab, enter the information in the following sections:

    Add Related Information

    This tab enables you to define and map the relationship of the search results to another business view or table. You also specify the columns to be displayed in the related information window and provide additional filters of the related information.

    1. Click Add Related Information (plus sign). In the Add Related Information dialog box, select the related business views or tables.

    2. Select the Type of content from which you want to display the related information. You can choose to display the related information from an EnterpriseOne table or a business view.

    3. Enter the ID of the table or business view.

      You can use the Visual Assist feature to locate a valid EnterpriseOne table or business view. Click the Visual Assist button to display the Data Browser - F9860 form that lists all the tables and business views. You can search and select the table or view.

    4. Click OK to add the table or business view for the related information content.

      A new tab page is added to the Related Information tab with the selected table or business view name with values populated in the Type, ID, and the default name fields.


    In the Configuration section, enter a title to override the default name of the selected related information.


    Add the columns to be displayed in the related information window of the search result.

    In the Mapping section, click the plus sign beside the listed Available Columns. The columns are added to the Display section in table format. You cannot customize the display layout of the related information section and the columns must be added in the order you would like to see them in the grid.

    To remove a column from the Display section, hover over the column name and then click the Remove icon.

    Note: If you do not add any columns to the Display section, the system displays the message "No columns were added in Related Information" in the related information window of the search result.


    Perform the following steps to map the relationship between the columns (Available Columns) in the Related Information to the columns (Selected Columns) in the Search Detail tab. Starting with Release 9.2.5, you can use the Search field to search for an available column. The Search field supports the Type Ahead feature.

    1. To define the relationship between the searchable content table or business view to the related information table or business view, use the Mapping Operation. From the Mapping Operation column, select the mapping parameter from the drop-down list.

      - Select "unassigned" if you do not want to map a column and leave it as is. This is the default option.

      - Select "static value" to add your value to pass to the column parameter.

      - Select "is mapped to" to map the column with the selected column in the Search Detail tab.

    2. Enter a value in the Mapping Value field.

      - If you selected the "static value" option for the Mapping Operation, enter fixed value that is to be mapped in the Mapping Value field.

      - If you selected the "is mapped to" option for the Mapping Operation, the Mapping Value drop-down list displays all the selected columns in the Search Detail tab. Select the column that you want to map with.

      Ensure that you map the same data types (such as character, numeric, string, date).

    Additional Filters

    For detailed steps to add additional filters, see the Additional Filters section in step 9.

  11. In the Action tab, enter the information in the following sections:

    Add Action

    This tab enables to specify the applications to be launched from the search result.

    1. Click Add Action (plus sign) to add an action item.

    2. In the Add Action dialog box, enter the Application ID of the application that you want to access from the search result and press Tab.

      You can enter any valid EnterpriseOne application ID. The application ID is the program number-for example, P01012 for Address book and P4210 for Sales Order. When you press Tab, the system populates the remaining fields in this dialog box. You can change the system-entered information.

      If necessary, you can use the Visual Assist feature to locate a valid application.

    3. From the Form drop-down list, select the EnterpriseOne form that you want to access from the search results.

      The forms that are available for selection depend on the application ID that you entered. The system automatically enters the first listed form in the Form field. If you are secured out of an EnterpriseOne form, then the form does not show in the list.

    4. From the Version drop-down list, select the application version.

      The system automatically enters the first listed version in the Version field.

    5. Click OK.

      The system populates the application ID, form ID, version ID, and default application name in a new tab.


    1. From the Personal Form drop-down list, select the personal form that you want to access from the search results. (Release 9.2.5)
    2. From the Query drop-down list, select the query that you want to use to narrow the search results. (Release 9.2.5)
    3. In the Title field, enter a title to override the default name of the selected application.
      Note: If you select a personal form or a query that has not been shared with other users, the system displays an error message when you attempt to share the search group by clicking the Request to Publish icon in the Search Group Manager design panel. If you select a shared personal form or query, the Object Dependencies table (F98700D) is updated after the search group is approved for publishing. (Release 9.2.5)


    The Mapping section is used to map the search result data to the application specified in the configuration section.

    1. In the Mapping section, select a column and choose an option for the Mapping Operation. The Mapping section displays the columns based on the EnterpriseOne data structure for form interconnects. You can map the columns from the selected application to the columns of searchable content.

    2. From the Mapping Operation column, select the mapping parameter from the drop-down list.

      - Select "unassigned" if you do not want to map a column and leave it as is. This is the default option. When you open this application from the search result, it is displayed without any data.

      - Select "static value" to add your value to pass to the column parameter.

      - Select "is mapped to" to map the column with the column in the searchable table or business view. In the search result, when you select a different row, the application specified is automatically updated to show information relevant to the selected record.

    3. Enter a value in the Mapping Value field.

      - If you selected the "static value" option for the Mapping Operation, enter a fixed value that is to be mapped in the Mapping Value field.

      - If you selected the "is mapped to" option for the Mapping Operation, the Mapping Value drop-down list displays all the selected columns in the Search Detail tab. Select the column that you want to map with.

      Ensure that you map the same data types (such as character, numeric, string, date). You can delete any related action or add more related actions and switch between them.

  12. Click Save in the title bar of the design panel to save the Search Group.

  13. In the Enter New Name dialog box, enter a unique name for the Search Group.

    Note: The name must not contain special characters.
  14. Click OK.

  15. Click Close to close the Search Group Manager.