Using the EnterpriseOne Search

EnterpriseOne Search feature enables you to search the transactional or master data within the EnterpriseOne system. This section provides details of search execution and other features of EnterpriseOne Search during runtime.

Search bar

You submit your search request using the Search bar displayed adjacent to the login drop-down menu in the EnterpriseOne interface. Irrespective of the application you are currently working with, the Search bar is always available in EnterpriseOne menu bar.

Note: The Search bar will not be available if:
  • The EnterpriseOne Search Feature security is disabled.

  • The currently logged-in user does not have UDO View access security enabled for any of the search groups and does not have any personal search groups.

Search options

As you start entering a value in the Search field, a list of search groups is displayed for selection.

  • The My Searches option includes only those search groups selected in your EnterpriseOne Search Preferences. When you submit a search request, EnterpriseOne restricts the results to the selected search groups. This is the default search option.

  • The All Searches option includes all the search groups available to the user.

  • Selecting an individual search group restricts the results to that specific search group.

Search result

After you enter a search request in the Search bar and select a search option, you can either click the Search icon or press the Enter key to start the search execution. EnterpriseOne filters all the records for the given search request in the search groups and displays the results in the EnterpriseOne Search result window.

The EnterpriseOne Search window has the following features:

  • The contents of the returned search results are grouped for each search content and displayed in sections. These sections display the name of the search group and the search content they belong to.

  • The search results are displayed in a layout as defined in the Search Group Manager.

  • The maximum number of records displayed in the search results is also according to the number specified for the search content in the Search Group Manager. If the record count exceeds the maximum records to return, a plus sign is displayed beside the search content label.

  • All the matching search requests in the result list are highlighted in boldface.

  • When you select "All Searches", the first tab of the result window displays the filtered records from all the available search groups. The subsequent tabs display records from only the specific search groups.

  • When you select "My Searches", the first tab of the result window displays the filtered records from the search groups selected in EnterpriseOne Search Preferences. The subsequent tabs display records from the specific search groups.

  • When you select an individual search group, the result window displays the records only associated to the search group.

  • The order in which results are presented is determined by the sort option defined for the search content in the Search Group Manager.

  • When search content contains additional filters, the system retrieves the results using the additions filters.

  • You can further refine the search result to filter the exact records by using the Search bar available in the search result window.

  • You can use the Exact Match toggle button in the search result window to specify whether the system should retrieve search results that are an exact match to the keyword that you enter in the search field. (Release 9.2.5)
    Note: If you turn on the Exact Match toggle button, the system applies these rules when it processes the search:
    • In the filter criteria, leading blank values and blank values in the middle are considered a part of the search string, but trailing blank values are not considered a part of the search string. However, for date data type, trailing blanks are also considered a part of the search string.
    • The search is case-insensitive under any of these conditions: the data items are defined as uppercase data items in the Data Dictonary, the database does not differentiate between case-sensitive and case-insensitive search, and case-sensitive search for EnterpriseOne Search is disabled in the jas.ini settings.
    • The system uses the "equal" operator and not the "contains" operator for the search. For example, when searching for an item with 00000-np-3 in the description using the search string 00000-np-3, the system will not retrieve results with the description 00000-np-31/2.
  • You can use wildcard characters to refine the search. Underscore is the wildcard character. The underscore matches any group of characters.

  • Your EnterpriseOne Search results may or may not be case-sensitive based on whether your administrator has enabled "Case Insensitive Search" in Server Manager. For more information see "Configuration Settings for EnterpriseOne Search" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Runtime Administration Guide. (Release

  • When you enter a request in the Search field of the result window (before clicking the Search icon or pressing the Enter key), the system searches for matching records in the AIS data cache. For details of configuration setting see "AIS Data Cache Setting for EnterpriseOne Search" in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Runtime Administration Guide.

  • In the EnterpriseOne Search result window, the Search field supports the Type Ahead feature. When you enter a search request in the Search field, the system searches for matching records without the need to press Enter or click the Search icon. If a match exists, it appears in the result and is highlighted. Type Ahead does not work in the Search field in the main interface. You can enable or disable the Type Ahead feature via the AutoSuggest settings. The system uses the delay from the AutoSuggest JAS INI setting.

  • The system keeps the session alive while the Search result window is open. If the session is idle for longer than the INI setting for "Session Timeout", a warning is displayed. The AIS server session time out should not be longer than the JAS server session time out.

  • When the Search result window is open, the Manage Content submenu does not appear under the Personalization drop-down list. Also, when you open an application while you are still in the Search result window, the Manage Content submenu does not appear under the Personalization drop-down list.

  • EnterpriseOne Search is not supported in Kiosk mode or from portal.

Related Information

The information icon in the search result indicates that the records contain related information. This icon is displayed only if the Related Information is defined for the search contents in a search group.

Click the Show Related Information icon for a result record to display the Related Information window. The header of the related information window displays the override title of the related content. Each defined search content within a search group can have multiple related information definitions; each definition is displayed on a different tab. The related information is displayed in a grid format.

When you click the Related Information icon of a particular record, the system retrieves the corresponding related data by running a query based on the mapping and additional filters settings. The total result count is displayed along with the title of the tab. The related information window displays a total of 100 records.


The Action icon (vertical ellipsis) in the search result indicates that the records contain corresponding actions. This icon is displayed only if the Action is set up for the search contents in a search group.

Click the Select Action icon for a result record to display a list of all the related application names defined for the search content. Click any application name from the list to open the corresponding application. Closing the related application returns you back to the search result window.

If "Open Application In New Window" option is selected in Preferences, the related application then opens in a new window.

Note: If a user is secured out from a specific application, then the user cannot open that application using the Action icon from the search result window.

Export Search Results (Release 9.2.5)

You can export the search results displayed for each search content section to a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

To export the search results to a CSV file:

  1. In the search result window, click the Export Search Results icon displayed at the top-right corner of the search content section.
  2. In the Export Search Results dialog box, specify the range of search result data to be exported. Select the Current Page option to export the search results displayed on the current page, or select the All Data option to export all the search result records that match your search criteria.
    Note: The export range options are displayed only if the Enable Databrowser Go-To-End jas.ini setting is set to "True" in the Server Manager.
  3. Click OK.

    The system exports the search results as a CSV file to your local system. The CSV file name is in the format, search group name-search content section title. If you selected an export range option, the CSV file contains search result data based on your selection. If you did not select an export range option, the CSV file contains only the search result data displayed on the current page.

You can export the search results displayed for each search content section to Microsoft Excel (Release 9.2.6).

To export the search results to Excel:

  1. In the search result window, click the Export Search Results icon displayed at the top-right corner of the search content section.
  2. In the Export Search Results dialog box, select the Export File Type option as Excel.
  3. In the Export Search Results dialog box, specify the range of search results to be exported. Select the Current Page option to export the search results displayed on the current page, or select the All Data option to export all the search results that match your search criteria.
    Note: The export range options are displayed only if the Enable Databrowser Go-To-End jas.ini setting is set to "True" in the Server Manager.
  4. Click OK.

    The system exports the search results as an Excel file to your local system. The Excel file name is in the format, search group name-search content section title. If you selected an export range option, the Excel file contains search results based on your selection. If you did not select an export range option, the Excel file contains only the search results displayed on the current page.

Export Related Information (Release 9.2.5)

You can export the related information for each search result record to a CSV file.

To export the related information of a search result:

  1. In the search result window, click the Export Related Information icon for the search result record.
    Note: The Export Related Information icon is displayed only if the related information is defined for the search contents in a search group.
  2. In the Export Related Information dialog box, perform either of the following actions:
    • If there is only one related information definition for the search content, click OK.
    • If there are multiple related information definitions for the search content, from the Related Information drop-down list, select the related information definition that you want to export or select All to export the related information data for all the related information definitions.
    Note: The Related Information drop-down list is displayed only if multiple related information definitions are available for the search content.
  3. Click OK.

    The system exports the related information data as a CSV file to your local system. The name of the CSV file is in the format, search group name-related information definition name.

    If the Enable Databrowser Go-To-End jas.ini setting is set to "False," the system exports only the maximum number of records defined for the related information definition. The maximum number of records for a related information definition is 100. If the Enable Databrowser Go-To-End jas.ini setting is set to "True," the system exports all the matching data of related information to the CSV file.

You can export the related information for each search result to an Excel file (Release 9.2.6).

To export the related information of a search result:

  1. In the search result window, click the Export Related Information icon for the search result record.
    Note: The Export Related Information icon is displayed only if the related information is defined for the search contents in a search group.
  2. In the Export Search Results dialog box, you have to select the Export File Type option as Excel.
  3. In the Export Related Information dialog box, perform either of the following actions:
    • If there is only one related information definition for the search content, click OK.
    • If there are multiple related information definitions for the search content, from the Related Information drop-down list, select the related information definition that you want to export or select All to export the related information for all the related information definitions.
    Note: The Related Information drop-down list is displayed only if multiple related information definitions are available for the search content.
  4. Click OK.
    Note: If you select All in the Export Related Information dialog box, the data of each related information definition is displayed in a different tab in Excel.

    The system exports the related information data as an Excel file to your local system. The name of the Excel file is in the format, search group name-related information definition name.

    If the Enable Databrowser Go-To-End jas.ini setting is set to "False," the system exports only the maximum number of records defined for the related information definition. The maximum number of records for a related information definition is 100. If the Enable Databrowser Go-To-End jas.ini setting is set to "True," the system exports all the related information to the Excel file.

Column Security Considerations (Release 9.2.5)

If you apply column security to a column after the search has been designed, the following rules will be applicable at runtime when you use EnterpriseOne Search:

  • In the Selected Columns and Additional Filters sections of the Search Detail tab, if column security is applied to the columns that are used to filter, sort, and define additional filters, the system does not execute the search and displays an error message.
  • In the Layout section of the Search Detail tab, if column security is applied to a column that is defined for display, the system does not display the column in the search results and the exported CSV file.
  • In the Related Information tab, if column security is applied to a column that is used as a mapping value in the Mapping section, the system does not display the corresponding related information at runtime.
  • In the Related Information tab, if column security is applied to a target column that is used in the Where clause of the query of the related information at runtime, the system will display an error message for the Related Information tab when you click the Show Related Information icon. In addition, the exported CSV file will not contain the data for that related information definition.
  • In the Related Information tab, if column security is applied to a column that is selected for display, the system will not display the label and data for that column in the result set tab when you click the Show Related Information icon. In addition, the exported CSV file will not contain the data for that column.
  • If column security is applied to a column that is used as a mapping value in the Mapping section, the system does not display the corresponding related action at runtime.