Uploading Media Object Files to Database (Release 9.2.1)

Starting with EnterpriseOne Tools Release 9.2.1 it was mandatory to store media objects to the database by following the process below. In EnterpriseOne Tools Release and beyond, you have the option to store media objects to the file system.

To store media objects in the file system (Release9.2.1.4):

  1. Navigate to the EnterpriseOne HTML Server within Server Manager.

  2. Disable "Store Media Object Files in Database"under Configuration/Advanced/Web Runtime.

  3. Navigate to the EnterpriseOne Business Services Server within Server Manager.

  4. Disable "Store Media Object Files in Database"under Configuration/Advanced/Miscellaneous.

Note: The settings for storing in the database or on the file system must be the same for all EnterpriseOne HTML Servers and all EnterpriseOne Business Services Servers, for the same path codes and environments.

When enabled, media object files will be stored in the database. If this option is disabled, media object files will be stored on a file system. By default, the option is enabled and will store media objects to the database.

To store media objects to the database, you run the R98MODAT UBE the first time all media objects (personal and shared) will be uploaded to the F98MODAT table, located in the system data source. After the initial run of R98MODAT UBE personal media objects will automatically be saved to the F98MODAT table. When saving shared media objects to a media object queue, you must run R98MODAT UBE to upload the media objects to the database You can run R98MODAT multiple times to upload files from different queues or data sources.

Note: The file path in the F00165 records must match the queue path specified in the F98MOQUE for the HTMLUpload queue to upload the personal media object files to the F98MODAT table.
Note: Orphaned media object files in personal queues are not uploaded, but will be purged and identified on the purge report.
Note: If you have multiple F98MODAT tables, you must have a corresponding F98MOQUE table in the same data source. You must have both tables in the data source.

Prerequisites: You must complete the following steps on the machine you run UBEs prior to running R98MODAT:

Note: If you have Tools Release 9.2.1 or earlier with AS400 servers these steps must be performed on the development client.
  1. Copy the jas.ini and jdbj.ini files from the JAS Server to the ..system/classes directory.

  2. Update both files with the correct file path.

  3. Verify a temp directory exists and is correct in the jas.ini at: [JDENET], tempFileDir = path (for example: c:\temp).

  4. Copy the tnsnames.ora from the JAS Server to the ..system/classes directory, if needed for DB access (Oracle only).

  5. Copy WebLogin_JAR.jar and nlspdk.jar from the JAS Server to ..system/classes directory (Tools Release 9.2.1 and earlier only).

  6. Copy the JDBC drivers form the Jas Server to the ..system/classes directory, (for example; Oracle Database would be ojdbc6.jar.)

  7. Enter the user name and password (must be unencrypted) in the [JDBj-BOOTSTRAP SESSION] section of the jdbj.ini file to log into EnterpriseOne.

  8. Verify the default environment and role are defined correctly in the [OWWEB] section of the jas.ini file.

Note: If UseMOWinNTShare=true, all settings for FTP and SFTP will be ignored.

The above files are necessary and need to be properly configured to insure the media object directory and database are accessible from the Enterprise Server. Depending on where the media object directory is (for example: Deployment Server) and how they are accessed (FTP, SFTP, or NT share) from the JAS server, you must make sure you have access to that directory from the Enterprise Server. For example, if you are using NT share to access the media object directory on the Deployment Server from your Windows JAS server, but the Enterprise Server is on Linux, NT Share will not work for Linux to Windows. Therefore, you will need to setup either FTP or SFTP and make sure the jas.ini, that you copied into …system/classes on your Enterprise Server, has the correct connection information. Similarly, the jdbj.ini, tnsnames.ora (only for Oracle database), and jdbc drivers are used to connect to database server.

Note: Before you perform a system upgrade, save a copy of the configuration and JDBC files. After the system upgrade, copy those files back into …system/classes on the Enterprise Server. Otherwise, the above steps will need to be repeated prior to running R98MODAT again.

The recommended sequence is to run R98MODAT in Proof mode first, Update mode second, and then Purge media objects from the file system.

To upload media object files to the database:

  1. Enter BV (Batch Versions) in the Fast Path.

  2. Enter Media object Load in Version Title and click Find.

  3. Click processing Options from the Row Menu.

  4. Complete the following processing options:

    Processing Option


    Report Mode

    Use this processing option to specify whether the report runs in proof or update mode. In proof mode, media object files will not be uploaded to the database nor deleted from the file system. The report will only indicate the actions that would occur for the media object files in the selected queues once the report is run in update mode.

    Valid values are:

    Blank = Proof mode

    1 = Update mode

    Replace Files

    Use this processing option to determine whether existing media object files are replaced in the database when uploading media objects from the file system.

    Valid values are:

    Blank = No

    1 = Yes

    Purge Files Only

    Use this processing option to delete media objects from the file system. Only use this option after the media objects have been uploaded. This option will not check if media objects have been uploaded.

    Valid values are:

    Blank = Upload media object files

    1 = Delete media objects from file system

    Data Source Name

    Use this processing option to specify the name of the data source to use when uploading media object files from personal queues (queue type 02 or 05). This processing option can be used to access additional F00165 tables that are not in the default data source but contain personal files to upload to the database. This processing option is not applicable when uploading media objects from shared queues (queue type 01).

  5. Click Ok.

  6. Click Ok to bypass Data Section.

  7. Click Ok to run R98MODAT.

  8. Review the Media Object Initial Load report for status and listing of all files processed.

    Note: Copy newly shared media objects to a shared media object queue on the deployment server and run R98MODAT to add them to F98MODAT.