Extending EnterpriseOne Forms by Associating Orchestrations with Events (Release

Beginning with Release, you can use the form extensibility framework to associate orchestrations with the events on an EnterpriseOne form. (Release Beginning with Release, you can also associate notifications with the events on a form, invoke orchestrations in the synchronous mode, and map orchestration outputs to the form controls if any output has been defined for the orchestration. (Release 9.2.4) With Release 9.2.4, you can associate orchestrations and notifications with the grid row and column events on a form, and map outputs to the controls in an update grid.

Note: You cannot map outputs to the update grid controls if the update grid is on a subform.
Note: You cannot associate orchestrations with events for the following controls:
  • Parent child controls

  • Tree controls

  • Labels

You can associate orchestrations with events by using the Associate Orchestrations wizard that is available from the Form Extension Manager side panel. The Associate Orchestrations wizard displays a series of steps that you must complete in a sequential order as shown in the following image:

Associate Orchestrations Wizard

As you move through the steps, a check mark on a step indicates that the step is complete and you can proceed to the next step in the series. A red exclamation point indicates that the step is not complete. Click the Next button to proceed to the next step and the Back button to go back to a previous step.

  • If an orchestration fails to execute, the system displays an error message. This behavior is similar to the way users are notified of asynchronous business function errors.

  • (Release 9.2.4) If an orchestration is associated with an event for an extended button and if a grid column is defined as a mapping input or output, the orchestration iterates over the selected grid rows when you click the extended button.

    The jas.ini property, AsyncOrchNTFPoolSize, under the OWWEB section on the JAS server determines the size of the thread pool for asynchronous orchestration or notification requests on the JAS server. By default, this jas.ini setting is set to 50.