Setting Up Debit Account Information for Automatic Deposits

When you pay employees using automatic deposit, you must set up bank account information about the account from which the payroll payments are made. The accounts from which the payments are made are known as debit accounts. Many organizations pay all of their payroll payments from one debit account. Other organizations use different debit accounts for each company or business unit.

You must enter information into the system for each debit account that the organization uses for payroll payments. This information is included in the bank files that are created for pre-note transactions, which banks use to verify account information before actual automatic deposits are made, and for automatic deposit payments.

If the organization uses a single debit account for all payroll payments, you can enter the information for that bank account as the default account. To do so, set up default debit account information for home company 00000 only, without specifying a home business unit. This ensures that all pre-note and automatic deposit transaction files are created using the same debit account information.

If the organization uses a separate debit account for each company, you must set up debit account information for each home company, without specifying a home business unit. If only certain companies use a separate debit account, you can set up default account information for home company 00000, and then enter account information only for the companies that have separate accounts. If no information is set up for a specified company, the system uses the account information that you set up for company 00000.

Similarly, if the organization uses separate debit accounts for individual business units, you must set up each of these accounts. To do so, you must set up debit account information for each home company and home business unit combination that uses a separate account. If only certain business units use separate debit accounts, you can set up default account information using company 0, and then enter account information only for the business units that have a separate account. If no information is set up for a specified business unit, the system uses the account information that you set up for company 0.


If you use the R07235 (Create Auto Deposit Tape File) to generate Auto Deposit information, the system determines which debit account information to use based on the employee's home company and business unit. When creating the bank file that contains pre-note transactions, the system uses the home company and business unit information that is stored in the F060116 table. When creating the bank file that contains actual automatic deposit payments, the system uses the home company and business unit from the employee's timecard records. The system retrieves the debit account information from the P07236 (Auto Deposit Instructions for Company). If the R07236 (Create Auto Deposit Tape File by Payroll Version) is used instead of the R07235, the system will use the debit account information from the processing options of the version of the R07236 instead of using the information from the P07236.

(Release 9.2 Update) To comply with Executive Order 13673, Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces, and the Paycheck Transparency requirements, the Print Checks program (R07231) also supports printing the employee pay information by workweek.