Understanding the Visual C++ Debugger

You can use Microsoft Visual C++ to debug business functions that are written in C. You can debug business functions that are attached to interactive applications or to batch applications. The business function must be configured to run locally.

If you are debugging ER for business functions and C business functions, you can use the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne debugger and the Visual C++ debugger together. Follow the process until you log into JD Edwards EnterpriseOne. At that point, follow the steps for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne debugger. Program execution stops if C code is accessed. You can then use Visual C++ to continue debugging. This method is useful if you are trying to locate a problem and are not sure whether the problem is in a C business function or in the application that calls the business function.

You must use the Microsoft Visual C++ Debugger to debug business functions that were written with the Event Rules scripting language and then interpreted as C code, or that were originally written in C. You can run the entire JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system through the Visual C++ debugger (that is, you can start the activeConsole.exe or JD Edwards Solution Explorer file from within the Visual C++ Debugger). This enables you to step out of the tool application code into the business functions that are called in the ER.

You can use the debugger to debug a C program and interactively stop and start it as needed. During debugging, you can check specific values of variables and parameters to determine whether a program is running correctly. You can also step through the code to see what code is actually being executed.

The debug commands are listed in the Debug menu. You can customize the tool bar to contain debug buttons, which you can use instead of the menu.

The Visual C++ has many features in the Debug menu. The Visual C++ debugger helps you efficiently solve real-world problems.