Understanding the Event Rules Debugger

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Event Rules Debugger provides the essential debugging tools (such as breakpoints, step commands, and variable inspection) that you need to debug JD Edwards EnterpriseOne interactive and batch applications. You can debug both NERs and table ER. The generated debug information for an application includes NER and table ER information for that application.

Setting up and using JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Event Rules Debugger involves these steps:

  1. Launch the ER Debugger.

  2. Load into the Debugger the applications to debug.

  3. Set any desired breakpoints.

  4. Launch the application, report, or table conversion.

Step 4 may be done at any point before, during or after steps 1, 2, or 3.

Step 2 takes a few minutes. The Debugger must read all the specs for the application, and then translate them into a usable format (Debugging Information Archive, or DIA). For large applications, this is slow. Therefore, once you load an application, you don't want to have to reload it again any time soon (unless you modify the application, of course). For this reason, the ER Debugger provides a Deactivate feature. Deactivating an application prevents any debugging from occurring on that application. But when you are ready to debug the application later, you won't have to rebuild the DIA.

Any event on which you want the debugger to stop must have at least one line of ER code. You cannot set a breakpoint on a comment. When you debug an application and encounter a point at which the interactive or batch application fails, you can view the code that the application is currently executing, and inspect the live values of variables used in the code.

By observing specific variables while the program runs, you can isolate where the program begins to fail and what exactly it is doing. For example, if a counter is supposed to increment by 1, but you observe it incrementing by random numbers, you know there is a problem with the number or variable you are adding to the counter.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Event Rules Debugger is a standalone tools program. Its screen interface consists of these main components:

  • Object Browse window.

  • Object Tree (those applications currently loaded in Debugger).

  • Event Rules window (ER listing).

  • Breakpoint Manager.

  • Variables List and Variable Watch window.

All windows except the Event Rules window are dockable to any side of the main application. You can click and drag a window to dock it. When you close the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Event Rules Debugger, it saves your docking settings until the next time you run it. Most of these main windows may also be closed by clicking the large toolbar buttons which control them, or by clicking the 'X' in the top border of the window.