Selecting Order Detail Lines for Freight Vouchering

Access the Freight Distribution Revisions form.

You enter freight information that is specific to each detail line on the form.

Distribute By

Enter the freight distribution type. Values are:

1: Distribute by amount

2: Distribute by percentage

Freight Distribution Percentage

Displays the freight distribution percentage that the system uses to calculate the amount that the system then uses to create the general ledger record during voucher match.

Freight Distribution Amount

Enter the freight distribution amount that the system uses to create the general ledger record during voucher match.

Freight Distribution Business Unit

Displays the business unit from the general ledger account number.

Freight Distribution Object Account

Displays the portion of a general ledger account that refers to the division of the cost code (for example, labor, materials, and equipment) into subcategories. For example, you can divide the cost code for labor into regular time, premium time, and burden.

Note: If you use a flexible chart of accounts and the object account is set to six digits, Oracle recommends that you use all six digits. For example, entering 000456 is not the same as entering 456 because if you enter 456 the system enters three blank spaces to fill a six-digit object.
Freight Distribution Subsidiary

Displays a subset of an object account. Subsidiary accounts include detailed records of the accounting activity for an object account.

Freight Distribution Account Number

Enter the freight distribution account number. The system writes a general ledger record to this account for freight distribution during voucher match.

Freight Distribution Subledger

Enter a code that identifies a detailed, auxiliary account within a general ledger account. A subledger can be an equipment item number or an address book number. If you enter a subledger, you must also specify the subledger type.

Freight Distribution Subledger Type

Enter a value from UDC 00/ST that the system uses with the Freight Distribution Subledger field to identify the subledger type and how the system performs subledger editing.

On the User Defined Codes form, the second line of the description controls how the system performs editing. This is either hard-coded or user-defined. Values include:

A: Alphanumeric field, do not edit.

N: Numeric field, right-justify and zero fill.

C: Alphanumeric field, right-justify and blank fill.

You can select one of the following options from the Form menu to apply to all detail lines on the form:

Clear Distributions

Select to zero any existing freight distribution for this freight distribution line. Click Find to refresh the grid.

Amount Default

Select to override any existing freight distribution for this freight distribution line. The voucher line amounts are totaled and the freight amount is distributed to each voucher line based upon the ratio of the voucher line amount and the total voucher amount. Click Find to refresh the grid.

For example, the freight amount is 200 USD. Two voucher lines are in the grid. The first line is for 1000 USD and the second line is for 3000 USD. The system distributes 25% or 50 USD to line one and 75% or 150 USD to line two.

Note: The Amount Default option functions the same as the Default Distribution processing option on the Process tab of the P43147 program when the value is set to 1 to distribute by amount.
Line Default

Select to override any existing freight distribution for this freight distribution line. The freight amount is distributed to each voucher line evenly. Click Find to refresh the grid.

For example, the freight amount is 200 USD. Four voucher lines are in the grid. The system distributes 50 USD to each line.

Note: The Line Default option functions the same as the Default Distribution processing option on the Process tab of the P43147 program when the value is set to 2 to distribute each line equally.