B bds-config.json Configuration Example

This example demonstrates some of the available configuration parameters and values.

The group hadoop_ids is new in Oracle Big Data SQL 4.1. The values that this example shows for the parameters in this group are the implicit default values, which do not need to be specified in the configuration file. If you want to set non-default values, then include the hadoop_ids parameters in the configuration file.

    "cluster": {
        "name": "cluster",
         "database_compatibility" : [ "12.1", "19" ]
    "object_store_support" : {
        "enabled" : "true",
        "cell_http_proxy"     : "http://proxy1.server.com:80",
        "cell_no_proxy"       : "localhost,,.my.<domain>.com,my.<domain>.com",
        "database_http_proxy" : "http://proxy2.server.com:80",
        "database_no_proxy"   : "localhost,,.my.<domain>.com,my.<domain>.com"
    "api" : {     
        "hostname"            : "admin.server.com",
        "skip_health_check"   : "true",
        "port" : 5050,
        "restart_stale" : "false"
    "repositories" : {
        "url" : [
        "dir" : [ "/root/hadooprepo" ]
    "network" : {
        "use_infiniband"   : "false",
        "selection_subnet" : "",
        "http_proxy"     : "http://my.proxy.server.com:80",
        "https_proxy"    : "http://mysecure.proxy.server.com:80"
	 "excluded_nodes" : [ "edge.node1.<domain>.com", "edge.node2.<domain>.com" ] 
    "security" : {
        "database_auth_enabled"   : "true",
        "impersonation_enabled"   : "true",
        "impersonation_usehosts"  : "true",
        "impersonation_blacklist" : "hdfs,hive"
    "kerberos" : {
        "principal"   : "oracle/mycluster@MY.<DOMAIN>.COM",
        "keytab"      : "/home/oracle/security/oracle.keytab",
        "hdfs-principal" : "hdfs/mycluster@MY.<DOMAIN>.COM",
        "hdfs-keytab"    : "/home/hdfs/security/hdfs.keytab",
        "db-service-principal" : "oracle/dbnode.<domain>.com@MY.<DOMAIN>.COM",
        "db-service-keytab"    : "/home/edgedb/edgedb.keytab"

    "edgedb": {
        "node"    : "dbnode.<domain>.com",  
        "enabled" : "true",  
        "sync_hive_db_list" : "my_hive_db_1,my_hive_db2"  
    "memory" : {
        "min_hard_limit" : 16384,
        "max_percentage" : 30
    "hadoop_ids" : {
        "hdfs_user"  : "hdfs",
        "hdfs_group" : "hdfs",
        "hive_user"  : "hive",
        "hive_group" : "hive"