Use Workbook Filters

This section describes how you can add workbook filters to your workbooks.

Add Workbook Filters

Use workbook filters to broadly limit the data on a specific canvas or all canvases in a workbook. For example, limit the data to the year 2024.

Workbook filters are generally the first level of filters that you add to a canvas or workbook. You can then add other levels of filtering to fine tune the data, for example, add dashboard filters that allow end user to select their own filter values or add visualization filters that cascade selected values from one visualization to another.
Each canvas can have specific workbook filters. When you add a workbook filter, Oracle Analytics applies it to the canvas you're working on. You can pin any workbook filter to apply it to all canvases on the workbook. See Include a Workbook Filter on all Workbook Canvases.
After you add and set workbook filters, you normally hide them from the workbook's end users.
  1. On the Home page, hover over a workbook, click Actions, then select Open.
  2. Navigate to the canvas that you want to add the workbook filter to.
  3. Click Add Filter (+) and select the column you want to filter on.

  4. In the Filter dialog, select the filter's data values.
  5. Click Save.

Include a Workbook Filter on all Workbook Canvases

When you add a workbook filter to a canvas' filter bar, the filter applies to only that canvas. You can pin a workbook filter to include it on the filter bar of every canvas in the workbook.

A pinned workbook filter functions the same on every canvas, so any filter data values that you select from any canvas are passed to the pinned filter on all canvases in the workbook. And any properties that you set on the filter are the same on every canvas, for example exclude, null, limit values, and disable filter.
  1. On the Home page, hover over a workbook, click Actions, then select Open.
  2. Navigate to the canvas that contains the workbook filter you want to pin to all canvases in the workbook.
  3. Hover over the workbook filter and click Pin to All Canvases.
    Workbook filter with Pin icon on filter bar

  4. Click Save.

Display or Hide Selected Values in the Workbook Filter Label

You can display the selected workbook filter values in the filter labels so that you don't have to open the Filters dialog to check the filter's selected values. Or you can hide the selected values to reduce clutter on the filter bar.

An individual pinned workbook filter is displayed on all canvases according to the filter values property on the canvas where you initially added it. For a pinned workbook filter, you can change the filter values display settings from any canvas.
You can choose from these settings:
  1. On the Home page, hover over a workbook, click Actions, then select Open.
  2. Navigate to any canvas in the workbook.
  3. On the filter bar, click Filter Bar Menu Filter Bar Menu icon
  4. Hover over Filter Values and click an option to select it.
  5. Click Save.

Specify How Workbook Filters Limit Other Filters

On the workbook filter bar and on individual workbook filters you can specify if the selections from one filter determine the available selections in other filters.

For example, suppose the workbook's filter bar contains a workbook filter for Customer Segment and Customer Name and the filter bar's Limit Values By is set to Auto. When a user selects filter values in the Customer Segment filter, only the customer names associated with the chosen customer segments are available for selection in the Customer Name filter.
The Limit Values By setting that you select for the workbook filter bar is used for each workbook filter that you add. You can use an individual workbook filter's Limit Values setting to override the filter bar's Limit Values By setting.
You can choose from these options to limit your workbook filters:
  • Default - For filter bar, uses the Default Limit Values By for Filters system setting that your administrator set.

    For individual workbook filters, uses the Limit Values By setting from the filter bar.

  • Auto - For filter bar and individual workbook filters, limits the filter selection values by the other workbook filter selections.

  • None - For filter bar and individual workbook filter, doesn't limit filter selection value by the other workbook filter selections.

  • <Filter Name> - For individual workbook filters, uses the selected workbook filter or a dashboard filter's selections to limit selection values. You can choose more than one filter.
  1. On the Home page, hover over a workbook, click Actions, then select Open.
  2. Navigate to any canvas in the workbook.
  3. To set the Limit Values By setting on the filter bar:
    1. Click Filter Bar Menu and then hover over Limit Values By Filter Bar Menu icon
    2. Click an option to select it.
  4. To set the Limit Values setting for an individual workbook filter:
    1. Go to the filter bar and click the filter to open the Filter dialog.
    2. Click Limit Values and click an option to select it.

  5. Click Save.

Manually Apply Workbook Filters

As you select workbook filter values, Oracle Analytics automatically applies them. You can change this behavior when you want to manually apply workbook filter selections to the canvas, or if a filter is pinned, to the whole workbook.

You use the Auto-Apply Filters property on the filter bar's menu to specify if you want to manually apply workbook filters. When you set this property, it applies to all workbook filters across all canvases.
You can choose from these options:
  • On - Applies workbook filter data values as you select them.
  • Off - Doesn't automatically apply workbook filter data values as you select them. Adds the Apply button to the Filter dialog. You select filter values and then click Apply to filter the visualizations.

Use these steps to set the Auto-Apply Filters property:
  1. On the Home page, hover over a workbook, click Actions, then select Open.
  2. On the filter bar, click Filter Bar Menu and then hover over Auto-Apply Filters and click an option to select it.

  3. Click Save.

Convert Workbook Filters to Dashboard Filters

Convert workbook filters to dashboard filters when you want to use the functionality, filter styles, layout, and personalization options that dashboard filters provide. Convert filters to avoid manually adding dashboard filters and deleting existing workbook filters.

You can use the Move to Dashboard Filter option to convert workbook filters to dashboard filters. Pinned workbook filters apply to all canvases in the workbook and aren't moved to dashboard filters. Filter settings such as selected data values, exclude, null, and limit by are moved with the filter to the dashboard filter. Parameters bound to filters are also migrate to the dashboard filter control.
The Move to Dashboard Filter option converts all workbook filters across all canvases. You can't convert workbook filters for individual canvases.
When you move workbook filters, Oracle Analytics adds a dashboard filter visualization to each canvas and moves the canvas' workbook filters into it.
  1. On the Home page, hover over a workbook, click Actions, then select Open.
  2. Navigate to any canvas in the workbook.
  3. On the filter bar, click Filter Bar Menu Filter Bar Menu icon.
  4. Hover over Move to Dashboard Filter and select a layout option.
  5. Click Save.