Create and Bind a Parameter to a Dashboard Filter

You can create and bind a parameter to the list, list box, inline list, and range dashboard filter types. After you create the parameter, you can bind it to other filters in the workbook, for example to the same filter on another canvas, to pass data values between filters.

You can select the dashboard filter's data values and use the Create Parameter option to create and bind a parameter to the filter. The parameter you create uses the selected values and corresponding column as its properties, and is added to the workbook's Parameters tab. The parameter shares the filtered column's name, for example, if you bind a parameter to a City column filter, the binding creates a parameter named City.
For more information about how to use parameter binding, see About Binding Parameters to Filters.
You can also select an existing parameter to bind to the dashboard filter. See Bind an Existing Parameter to a Filter.
  1. On the Home page, select a workbook, click Actions, select Open, and click Edit.
  2. In the Data Panel, click the Visualizations tab, and drag and drop Dashboard Filters to the canvas.
  3. In the Data Panel, click the Data tab, and drag and drop the column that you want to use to filter the canvas.
  4. Optional: Select the filter values.
  5. In the dashboard filter's Properties pane, click Properties, then click Filter Controls. Go to the Filter Type field and select a filter appropriate for the column you're filtering.
  6. If you selected List, Range, or Top Bottom N, then go to the canvas, click the dashboard filter, click Bind to Parameter (x), and select Create Parameter to use the selected filter values to create and bind the parameter to the filter.
  7. If you selected List Box or Inline List, then in the Properties pane, go to Parameter Binding (Selection) and click None. Select Create Parameter to use the selected filter values to create and bind the parameter to the list box filter, or select an existing parameter to bind to the filter.
  8. Optional: To specify if the user is required to select a filter value, go to the Properties pane, click the Selection Required field, and select On.
  9. Click Save.