About Binding Parameters to Filters

Bind a parameter to a filter when you want to pass a selected filter value from one canvas to another in a workbook, or you want to have more control over how dashboard filters behave and are exposed to the user.

Binding a parameter to a filter is one-way binding, meaning a parameter doesn't limit the list of available filter values that the user can choose from. A parameter's properties define the values that it can accept from the filter.

When bound to a filter, the parameter listens to the filter's selections and when the parameter accepts a filter value, it passes that value to wherever you use the parameter in the workbook.

Binding a parameter to a filter has many uses. For example, by default when you add the Dashboard Filters control to a canvas, it only applies filters to that canvas. You can use parameters bound to filters to pin the dashboard filters across multiple canvases in the workbook. When multiple canvases include a dashboard control with the same filters bound to the same parameters, any filter values selected by the user are applied to each canvas.