REST Helper

The REST helper utility allows calling REST endpoints, which are defined in the service definitions.

The Visual Builder runtime uses this helper internally.

The REST helper looks at the content-type header, if available, to try to determine how to read and parse the response. If no content-type is available, text is assumed.

Table 1-3 REST helper content types

Content type Response method
contains "json" Response.json()
starts with "image/" Response.blob()
application/octet-stream Response.blob()

This behavior can be overridden using the responseBodyFormat() method.

The following is an example of how to use of the REST helper:

define(['vb/helpers/rest'], (Rest) => { 
var rest = Rest.get('myservice/myendpoint').parameters(myparameters);
var promise = rest.fetch();

The following example shows how to use the REST helper with an extension, with the second parameter used to define the scope:

define(['vb/helpers/rest'], (Rest) => { 
var rest = Rest.get('serviceExtensionId:serviceId/endpointId', {extensionId:myExtensionId} )
var promise = rest.fetch();

Table 1-4 REST helper methods

Method Parameters Return Value Description
static get(endpointId)

endpointId: serverID/operationID, same as RestAction, ServiceDataProvider

Instance of REST object Factory method
initConfiguration(initConfig) initConfig: the initConfig of the fetch() Request object REST helper, to allow chaining of method calls See the Request Web API
parameters(parametersMap) parametersMap: object of key/value pairs, same as RestAction 'uriParams' REST helper Set the parameter for the call. Parameters defined as path parameters for the endpoint will be inserted in the URL as appropriate; the rest will be appended as query parameters.
requestTransformationFunctions (transformationFunctionMap) transformationFunctionMap: map of functions. REST helper See Call REST Action
requestTransformationOptions (transformationOptionMap) transformationOptionMap: map of request transform parameters REST helper See Call REST Action
responseTransformationFunctions (transformationFunctionMap) transformationFunctionMap: map of functions. REST helper See Call REST Action
body(body) body: actual payload to send with the request REST helper -
hookHandler(handler) handler: should extend RestHookHandler, and may override the following:
             -returns request
             -returns response
REST helper Allows installation of callbacks for various phases of the REST call, which may configure the REST helpers, modify the request and response, or do special processing based on the result or result error.
define(['vb/helpers/rest', 'vb/helpers/rest'],
(Rest, RestHookHandler) => {
    class MyHandler extends RestHookHandler {
responseBodyFormat(format) format: one of: text, json, blob, arrayBuffer, base64, or base64Url. The response body type is the same as the corresponding method for Response (except base64, which returns just the encoded portion of the base64 URL). REST helper Overrides the default behavior, which looks at the "content-type" header to determine how to read (and parse) the response.
fetch() - Promise Performs the configured fetch() call



- Promise Utility methods for building requests and responses that require the endpoint path. Resolves with the full (or relative) path of the endpoint, or empty string if the endpoint is not found.
The REST helper fetch() call returns a Promise that resolves with an object that contains the following properties:

Table 1-5 fetch() call return value

Property Description
response The Response object from the native fetch() call, or the return from a HookHandler's handleResponseHook, if one is being used.
body The body of the response object; the helper will attempt to call the appropriate Response method (json(), blob(), arrayBuffer(), etc) based on responseBodyFormat() and Content-Type.