Track Integration Instances

You can filter and track the status of integration instances on the Instances page through business identifiers. You can also view the message payload of an instance you are tracking.

Filter the Display of Integration Instances

You can filter the display of integration instances on the Instances page during runtime.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Observability, then Instances.
  2. Click Filter Filter icon to filter the display of instances by the following:
    • Last updated or creation time
    • Time window
    • Instance ID
    • Status
    • Project name
    • Integration name

      Begin typing an integration name. Do not use copy and paste. The filter is refreshed to display fields for the defined secondary business identifiers.

      You can now begin typing the values of the business identifiers to narrow down the search. This input follows the same rules (for example, for exact matches and phrase matches) as described in Search for Primary and Secondary Business Identifier Values.

    • Integration style (all, application, schedule, or event)
    • Event name
    • Instances published and/or subscribed to that event name
    • Parent instance ID
    • Recovery job ID
    • Integration that invoked the instance
    • Instance state (all, retained, purged, replayed, or replayable).

    You can enter variable values with special characters or variable values of multiple words with white space in double quotes in the Search Search icon field (for example, &filename or "file tracking").

    Filter options for Last updated or Creation time, Time Window (with Date Range and Last buttons), Instance ID, Status, Project, Integration, Integration style, Event, Event Action, Parent instance ID, Recovery job ID, Invoked by, and Display instances.

  3. Click Date Range to specify a custom time range with which to filter the search for instances with the From and To buttons. This enables you to select a time range as small as a minute and track only those instances processed within that specified time range. The specified time range is preserved by default and applied to the data being displayed when you navigate from one monitoring page to another (for example, when you move from the Instances page to the Monitor Integrations page or Errors page).


    The time range specified must be within the retention period. Data beyond the retention period is not retained. If the selected time range is beyond the retention period, only available data is displayed.

Search for Business Identifier Values

You can search for primary and secondary business identifier values on the Instances page during runtime. You can perform simple searches, phrase match searches, and exact match searches. This section provides examples of performing each search type.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Observability, then Instances.
  2. Use the Search field to search for values across both primary and secondary business identifiers.

    Results are displayed for any integration on which a primary business identifier is set, including the business identifier and value, the instance identifier of the integration, and the state of the integration (for example, completed, failed, or aborted). You can show the name and value of tracking variables.

    For canceled instances, the running time does not point to the actual time the canceled (faulted) instance was running. Instead, it consists of the total time span between when the instance began and when the instance was manually canceled.

    The Instances page shows a search icon and field and filter icon at the top. In the upper right is a time stamp. After this is a table of instances with columns for Primary Identifier, Instance ID, Status, Business Identifier, and Duration.


    • Partial word searches are not supported. For example, assume one business identifier value is New York and another is New Orleans and both belong to different instance IDs. If you enter New as your search criterion, both instances are displayed because New and York are considered separate words. White space is considered a word separator.
    • Underscores are not considered word separators. For example if the values are New_York and New_Orleans, and you enter New as the search criterion, neither instance is displayed because New_York is considered a complete word and partial word matches/searches are not supported. This is the case only with underscores. All other special characters (for example, periods, commas, and others) are considered word separators.

Search for Primary and Secondary Business Identifier Values

  1. Enter a value, and press Enter. For example, assume the primary value is James. In the search results, any instances that have a primary value of James are returned. Any instances with a secondary value that includes James (for example, are also returned.
  2. Search only for primary business identifier values by entering the value as primary: value or Primary: value in the Search field.

    Search field value of primary:James.


    • If you enter a primary business identifier in the Search field, but do not press Enter, then select a value from the time period drop-down list, note that the instances are filtered considering the string entered in the Search field, even though Enter was not pressed. This is the expected behavior and is true for other landing pages in Oracle Integration.

    • The search facility on the Instances page is case sensitive.

Perform a Simple Search

  1. Enter a value in the Search field, and press Enter. For example:

    This returns all instances that include part of that business identifier value.

    The Instances page shows a search field and filter icon at the top. Currently set filters are displayed below the search field. Below this is a table of instances with columns for Primary Identifier, Instance ID, Status, and Business Identifiers.

  2. Enter a value with white space in the Search field, and press Enter. For example:
    125-78-2345 York

    Note that each individual part of the value is treated as a separate value (125, 78, 2345, and York are all considered separate). Any business identifier value found containing at least one of these values is returned. A simple search is similar to a web browser search.

    The Instances page shows a search field and filter icon at the top. Currently set filters are displayed below the search field. Below this is a table of instances with columns for Primary Identifier, Instance ID, Status, and Business Identifiers.

Perform a Phrase Match Search

You can perform a phrase match search by enclosing your value in double quotes. Phrase matches are useful when you need to search for primary and secondary business identifier values containing special characters and white spaces.

  1. Enter a value in the Search field, and press Enter. For example:
    "125-78-2345 York"
  2. Note that exact values are returned. Without the double quotes, each individual part would be considered a separate searchable value: 125, 78, 2345, and York.

    The Instances page shows a search field and filter icon at the top. Currently set filters are displayed below the search field. Below this is a table of instances with columns for Primary Identifier, Instance ID, Status, and Business Identifiers.

    Note that exact phrase match searches can also return the exact match, plus any additional values at the beginning or end of the enclosed value. Consider the following example.

  3. Enter a value in the Search field, and press Enter. For example:
    "125-78-2345 Delhi"

    This returns any value that matches, plus any additional values. In this case, both 125-78-2345 Delhi and 125-78-2345 Delhi India are returned.

    The Instances page shows a search field and filter icon at the top. Currently set filters are displayed below the search field. Below this is a table of instances with columns for Primary Identifier, Instance ID, Status, and Business Identifiers.

Perform an Exact Match Search

You can return an exact match search by enclosing the business identifier value in brackets ([ and ]). This search returns only exact match values.

  1. Enter a value in brackets in the Search field, and press Enter. For example:
    [125-78-2345 Delhi]
  2. View the results. Only exact matches are returned.

    The Instances page shows a search field and filter icon at the top. Currently set filters are displayed below the search field. Below this is a table of instances with columns for Primary Identifier, Instance ID, Status, and Business Identifiers.

Track the Status of Integration Instances

You can track fields in messages on which you have defined business identifiers on the Instances page during runtime. These fields are available for tracking on the Instances page because you defined at least one business identifier in the Business Identifiers panel during design time.

View the Slowest Running Activities in an Integration Instance

To diagnose performance issues, you can view the activities in the activity stream by their elapsed time. This ability ensures that the most time-consuming activities show first in the list and the best performing activities appear at the bottom. This functionality provides you with an immediate performance view and eliminates the time-consuming task of clicking each individual message or a large number of iterations in a looping action to identify time-consuming activities.

Understand the following behavior:
  • The duration is not shown for all activities. The duration for an activity is the time from the beginning to the end of activity execution. Not all activities have both times (for example, a trigger or a throw action) because both are not applicable.
  • The duration may not be available even for activities that have both times (such as a map action). This is because availability of these times depends on the integration tracing level. For example, an invoke action always appears, but other actions appear only when the instance is executed with the tracing level set to debug.
  • Only the top 10 slowest activities are shown in the table. Your integration may have many more actions.
  • You can view the overall time a looping action (for example, a while action or a for-each action) took to execute all its iterations. You can also expand the looping action to view the following:
    • If your looping action had less than 10 iterations, all iterations and their times to execute are shown.
    • If your looping action has more than 10 iterations, only the ten slowest iterations and their times to execute are shown.
  1. Go to the row of the integration instance to view. The Duration column shows the time that an instance took to execute.
  2. Click View Details View icon.

    The activity stream is displayed.

  3. Click View slowest activities View slowest activities icon.

    The total duration of the instance is displayed at the top. The activities that took the longest amount of time to execute are displayed in a table. The final column shows the percentage of time each activity took to execute based on the total duration of the instance. For this example, getWeatherInfo included a looping action that iterated 13 times.

    The activity stream shows the instance ID at the top. Below is the tracing level. To the right are three icons. The first icon is selected. The total time for the integration instance to execute is shown. Below this is a table with columns for activity, time, and percentage.

  4. Expand the looping action (getWeatherInfo) to view the iterations. For this example, the looping action was executed 13 times. The 10 slowest-running iterations are shown.

    The activity stream shows the instance ID at the top. Below is the tracing level. To the right are three icons. The first icon is selected. The total time for the integration instance to execute is shown. Below this is a table with columns for activity, time, and percentage. The 10 slowest-executing iterations are shown in the table.

  5. Use this functionality to identify and debug slow running activities.
  6. Click View slowest activities View slowest activities icon again to return to the activity stream. This link enables you to toggle back and forth.

Discard an Instance on the Instances Page

  1. Hover over the row of the instance to discard, then select Abort Abort icon.

    The row shows the primary business identifier, instance ID value, current status, the duration of the instance, and three icons. The middle icon is selected to display the word Abort.

    This option is only visible under the following scenarios:
    • In-progress instances of asynchronous integrations (both scheduled and nonscheduled).
    • Waiting and paused instances of schedule integrations. Attempting to discard other types of instances results in an error message being displayed.

View the Status of Future Schedule Integrations

Schedule integrations that have not yet run are displayed as Queued on the Instances page. The Duration column shows the label Scheduled on and the time at which the queued integration is scheduled to run (for this example, in four minutes).

The Primary Identifier, Instance Id, Status, Business Identifiers, and Duration columns are shown.

  1. Hover over the queued integration in the Duration column to display the full date and time at which the queued integration is scheduled to run.
  2. Click View Details View details icon or click the business identifier in the Primary Identifier column of a queued integration. The Activity Stream panel opens in either place and shows the time at which the queued integration is scheduled to run.

    The Activity Stream panels the instance ID. After that is the label Production. After this is a time stamp and a milestone saying that the scheduled run is queued and will execute on a specific date. To the right are the expand and download logs icons.

View the Activity Stream on the Instances Page

  1. Hover over an instance, then select View Details View icon to view the activity stream of the instance.

    The activity stream shows details about the movement of the message through the integration, including where any failures occurred. The message flow through each action is also shown.

  2. Expand the invoke connection.

    Key child milestones of the parent invoke connection are displayed.

    The Activity Stream is shown with various milestones in the message flow. A time stamp appears above each. In the upper right is the download logs icon. To the upper right is the Activity Stream icon and Search icon.

    The date and time according to your user preferences are displayed. If your instance contains logic actions (for example, a while action or a for-each action with multiple iterations), each iteration is shown in the activity stream and can be expanded to show specific details about the message flow.

    The for-each action is shown in the activity stream with four iterations that can each be expanded.

  3. Click Download Download icon at the top of the activity stream to download the activity stream logs for the entire instance.
  4. Click View Payload View icon to view the payload for that part of the integration flow.

    The View Payload icon is selected to show the payload in the activity stream. To the right of the icon is a time stamp and wording saying the message was received by the invoke Send_Zip. To the right are download, copy, and toggle line number icons.

  5. Perform tasks within the payload.
    Element Description
    Summary Click to view a summary of payload details.
    Details Click to view more specific payload details.
    Download Payload Download icon Click to download this part of the payload to your desktop.
    Copy Payload Copy to clipboard icon Click to copy this part of the payload for pasting into a document.
    Toggle Line Numbers Toggle line numbers icon Click to show or hide line numbers in the payload.

View the Child Instances of a Parent Instance

If your instance invokes child instances (for example, an integration action in your flow is invoking child integrations), you can view those instances on the Instances page.

  1. Hover over a row and select View Child Instances.

    The cursor is hovering over the actions menu of a business identifier in the row to show options for Schedule and View Child Instances.

    You can also view invocations of child instances (local invokes) in the activity stream.

    The activity stream shows details about the parallel for-each failure and local invoke failure. The Summary button, Details button, download icon, copy icon, and line numbering icon are shown. After this is the payload for the local invoke.

View the Activity Stream of a Child Integration Separately from the Parent Integration

You can view a child integration being invoked by a parent integration in a separate activity stream. You can also view the separate activity streams for one integration that invokes another integration, which then invokes a child integration. Each activity stream is connected by a Back icon button that provides easy access.

See Invoke a Child Integration from a Parent Integration.

  1. Hover over the instance of a parent integration that invokes a child integration.
  2. Click View Details View details icon.

    The activity stream is displayed.

  3. Expand the invoke connection.

    The View child instance details link is displayed. This is where the instance of the child integration is invoked.

    The activity stream shows details about the parent integration. The expand and download icons are shown at the top. After this are the milestones in the activity stream. The Wire Message sent to Local Integration child section shows the link called View child instance details being clicked.

  4. Click View child instance details to access the instance of the activity stream for the child integration. Note that Integration: Child and the integration version number are also displayed after the instance ID at the top.

    The activity stream shows details about the child integration. The expand and download icons are shown at the top. After this are the milestones in the child activity stream.

  5. Click Back icon to return to the instance of the activity stream for the parent integration.
  6. Return to the Instances page and hover over the instance of an integration that invokes another integration, which then invokes a child integration.
  7. Click View Details View details icon.
  8. Expand the invoke connection.
  9. Click View child instance details to access the instance of the activity stream for the integration being invoked.
    The activity stream shows details about the child integration. The refresh, expand, download icons are shown at the top. After this are the milestones in the child activity stream. The View child instance details link is being clicked.

    Note that the parent name and the integration version number are displayed at the top.

  10. Expand the invoke connection.

    The activity stream shows details about the child integration. The refresh, expand, download icons are shown at the top. After this are the milestones in the child activity stream. The View child instance details link is being clicked.

  11. Click View child instance details to access the instance of the activity stream for the child integration being invoked.

    Note that the child name and the integration version number are displayed at the top.

    The activity stream shows details about the child integration. The refresh, expand, download icons are shown at the top. After this are the milestones in the child activity stream. The View child instance details link is being clicked.

  12. Click Back icon twice to return to the instance of the activity stream for the top level integration.

View the Display of HTTP Headers Separate from the Payload

HTTP headers associated with a payload are displayed separately from the payload for ease of viewing in the activity stream.

  1. Click View Details View details icon.

    The activity stream shows a recoverable error message link at the top. After this, the tracing level is set to debug. Two icons appear to the far right. In the upper right corner of the activity stream are two other icons. After the tracing level are entries that show the movement of the message payload through the integration.

    If HTTP headers are associated with the payload, two tabs are displayed: Payload and Headers.

    The activity stream shows a recoverable error message link at the top. After this, the tracing level is set to debug. One icon appears to the far right. After this are the Payload tab (which is selected) and the Headers tab. To the right are three icons. After this, the payload content is displayed.

  2. Click Headers to view details about the HTTP headers associated with the payload.

    The activity stream shows a recoverable error message link at the top. After this, the tracing level is set to debug. Two icons appear to the far right. After this are the Payload tab and the Headers tab (which is selected). To the right are three icons. After this, the header content is displayed.

View File Metadata for Large Payloads in the Activity Stream

You can view file metadata for large payloads in the activity stream.

For example, if an integration performing inbound polling sends a CXML payload in GZIP format, the payload is shown in readable format in the activity stream. The payload size and media type are also shown.

Track the Integration Flow on the Instance Details Page

The Instance Details page provides a graphical view of the instance flow and access to the activity stream.

View the Instance Elements and Activity Stream on the Instance Details Page

  1. Click a specific business identifier of an integration instance in the Primary Identifier column.

    The fileName:I nvoke_2000.csv business identifier is being clicked.

    The integration flow of the instance and Activity Stream panel are displayed.

    The integration flow is shown on the left. Above this are four icons, an instance of field, and a tracing level field. On the right is the Activity Stream panel. Above this are two icons at the top and three icons on the right. A download button appears in the Activity Stream panel.

  2. Click Download Download icon at the top of the activity stream to download the activity stream logs for the entire instance.
  3. Click View Payload View icon to view the payload for that part of the integration flow.
  4. Perform tasks within the payload.
    Element Description
    Summary Click to view a summary of payload details.
    Details Click to view more specific payload details.
    Download Payload Download icon Click to download the payload to your desktop.
    Copy Payload Copy to clipboard icon Click to copy the payload for pasting into a document.
    Toggle Line Numbers Toggle line numbers icon Click to show or hide line numbers in the payload.
  5. Click Activity Stream Activity stream icon. to close the activity stream.

View the Results of Iterations of Logic Actions on the Instance Details Page

You can view the results of iterations of logic actions (such as a for-each, switch, while, and others) in the activity stream on the Instance Details page.

  1. Click a specific business identifier of an integration instance in the Primary Identifier column.

    The fileName: invoke_2000.csv business identifier is being clicked.

  2. Go to the logic action in the integration (for this example, a for-each action is shown).
  3. You can move to another iteration of the loop in either of two ways.
    1. Click > to access a view of the next iteration in the loop. For this example, there are five iterations in this for-each action.

      The Next icon is being clicked to access the next iteration of the for-each action. The for-each action is expanded to show a map action and integration action inside.


    1. Hover over and click the iteration box of a logic action in the integration.

      The iteration box is shown being clicked.

    2. Enter a specific value and click OK (for example, 5). This method is useful when the logic action has iterated many times.

      The activity stream shows the specified iteration of the logic action.

      Iteration 2 of 5 of the for-each action is shown. The Activity Stream shows the message flow through the instance. The instance fails at the execution of the parallel for-each action. A red icon identifies it as failed.

Access Information Through Inline Menus on the Instance Details Page

The inline menus of the triggers, invokes, and actions in the integration flow provide access to additional information.

  1. Click a specific business identifier of an integration instance in the Primary Identifier column.

    The fileName: invoke_2000.csv business identifier is being clicked.

  2. Select from a set of options. The options that appear are based on the element you selected.
    Option Description
    For trigger or invoke connections, click Actions Actions icon, then View Connection.

    The actions menu is selected for the invoke action to show View Connection being selected.

    Displays configuration details for the connection:
    • Selected roles for the connection (trigger, invoke, or trigger and invoke)
    • Identifier value and date last updated
    • Integrations using the connection (click to view the list)
    • Connection and security properties defined on the Connections page
    • Status of agent group association
    • Configuration progress (the connection properties and security policy must be completely configured and tested to be listed as 100%)

    The Actions Actions icon menu in the upper right corner enables you to edit or delete the connection (if not currently used in an activated instance).

    For trigger, action, and invoke connections, click Actions Actions icon, then View.

    The actions menu is selected for the invoke action to show View being selected.

    Displays the following details:
    • For schedules, shows the configured scheduled parameters.
    • For triggers and invokes, the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard is invoked to show the configuration settings.
    • For maps, the mapper is invoked to show the mappings.
    • For other actions, the specific configurations are shown.
    For logic actions (such as a scope, for-each, while, wait, and switch), click Actions Actions icon, then Expand.

    The actions menu is selected for the for-each action to show Expand being selected.

    Displays each action and invoke within the logic action.

    The for-each action is expanded to show a map action and integration action inside.

    For logic actions (such as a scope, for-each, while, wait, and switch), click Actions Actions icon, then Collapse.

    The actions menu is selected for the for-each action to show Collapse being selected.

    Displays the collapsed logic action.
    For parent integrations that call child integrations, click Actions Actions icon, then View Child Instances.

    The actions menu is selected for the integration action to show View Child Instance being selected.

    Displays the child integration called by the parent.

    See Invoke a Child Integration from a Parent Integration.

Determine Why an Integration Instance Stopped Running

When a scheduled or asynchronous integration instance stops running, the reason for the termination appears in the activity stream.

Someone Stopped an Asynchronous Integration Instance

  1. In the navigation pane, click Observability, then Instances.
  2. Hover over the row of the active integration instance to terminate, and select Abort Abort icon.
  3. Click Confirm when prompted.
  4. Click View Details View details icon.
    The Activity Stream panel opens. A red icon and the reason for the termination are displayed.
    Instance aborted by username

Someone Deactivated an Asynchronous Integration While Instances Were Running

  1. In the navigation pane, click Design, then Integrations.
  2. Hover over the row of the integration instance to deactivate, and select Deactivate icon.
  3. In the navigation pane, click Observability, then Instances.
  4. Click View Details View details icon.
    The Activity Stream panel opens. A red icon and the reason for the termination are displayed.
    Instance aborted due to deactivation of integration by username

Someone Stopped a Running Schedule of an Integration

The scheduled run is either currently running successfully or has exceeded six hours in duration (now considered an out-of-bounds run).

  1. In the navigation pane, click Observability, then Instances.
  2. Hover over the row of the active, schedule integration instance to terminate, and select Abort Abort icon.
  3. Click Confirm when prompted.
  4. Click View Details View details icon.
    The Activity Stream panel opens. A red icon and the reason for the termination are displayed.
    Instance aborted as schedule was stopped by username

Oracle Integration Terminated an Asynchronous or Schedule Instance That Exceeded the Processing Deadline

  1. In the navigation pane, click Observability, then Instances.
  2. In the Duration column, find the integration that has exceeded the processing deadline (for example, an integration's duration reached eight hours and two minutes).
  3. Click View Details View details icon.
    The Activity Stream panel opens and displays the following details for the instance terminated internally by Oracle Integration.
    Instance aborted as it has reached maximum duration allow for a flow

Oracle Integration Terminated a Stuck Scheduled Instance

This rare scenario is for scheduler recovery jobs and only applies when a schedule instance is not terminated internally by Oracle Integration.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Observability, then Instances.
  2. In the Duration column, find the integration that has exceeded the processing deadline.
  3. Click View Details View details icon.
    The Activity Stream panel opens and displays the following details for schedule instances.
    Instance aborted as it has reached maximum duration allow for a scheduled flow

Replay Integration Instances

You can replay REST Adapter-triggered and AS2 Adapter-triggered integration instances that you configured as replayable during integration activation. This feature enables you to quickly retest your integration without the need to re-enter the data used to initially trigger the integration.

Capabilities and Restrictions

  • You can only replay instances in which you explicitly select Allow to run again in the Activate integration panel.
  • You can only replay instances in which the trigger adapter connection is a REST Adapter or AS2 Adapter.
  • You can only replay instances with structured payload content. You cannot replay instances with unstructured payload content.
  • You can replay instances regardless of their state (for example, you can replay successful, faulted, and aborted instances).
  • You can replay instances outside and inside of projects.
  • You cannot replay instances where the connectivity agent is used.
  • You can only replay a single instance at a time.
  • There must be an active integration with the same major version as the replayed instance.
  • A parent instance can have many child-replayed instances.
  • A replayed instance has a single parent instance.
  • You can replay both asynchronous and synchronous instances.
  • Payload data for replayed instances is captured for 32 days (for the Production and Audit tracing levels).

Understand the Differences Between Replaying and Recovering Instances

Instance replay and instance recovery (performed with the Resubmit option on the Errors page) are not the same. Understand the differences to determine which feature is best for your scenario. Instance recovery includes the following restrictions.

  • You can only recover a faulted instance that is identified as recoverable.
  • You cannot recover synchronous instances.
  • You cannot recover scheduled integration instances with scheduled parameters.
  • Recovery only updates the existing instance. No new instance is created.
  • Recovery is independent of adapter type or payload content.
  • Recovery only restarts from the last dehydration point in an instance (for example, a wait action), whereas replay starts completely from the beginning of the instance.

Replay an Integration Instance

This section describes how to replay an integration instance on the Instances page outside of a project. You can also replay an integration instance inside a project. See Activate or Deactivate an Integration in a Project and Track Instances in a Project.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Design, then Integrations.
  2. Hover over the integration to activate, then click Activate Activate icon.
  3. Select the level of tracing appropriate to your integration. This level describes the amount of data to capture in the activity stream. See Activate an Integration.
  4. In the Configure runtime options section, select Allow to run again, then click Activate. This selection enables you to replay an instance of an integration during runtime on the Instances page. This selection is only available with specific types of integrations. See Capabilities and Restrictions.
  5. Run the integration. For REST Adapter trigger connection-based integrations, you can use the Configure and run page. See Test Integrations from Outside the Integration Canvas.

    The Activity Stream panel opens.

  6. Go to the Instances page in either of two ways:
    1. On the Configure and run page, close the activity stream and click Track instances.
    2. In the navigation pane, click Observability, then Instances.
  7. Hover over the row of the instance to replay, and click Run again Run again icon.

    The Run again panel opens.

  8. Select the tracing level to use for this instance replay. The level you select is unique to this replay only and does not impact the tracing level you set when activating the integration.
  9. Click Run again.

    When you replay an instance, a new instance ID is created and an icon is added to identify this as a replayed instance. For this example, the replayed instance and the original instance immediately below are shown. You can continue to replay the original instance or the replayed instance.

    The Primary identifier column, Instance ID column, Status column, and Duration column are shown. The Instance ID column version includes the Replayed instance icon.


    The Display instances option of the Filter Filter icon enables you to filter on replayed or replayable instances.
  10. Click View details View details icon to view the activity stream.
  11. Click Actions Actions icon and note the selections for both the original and replayed instances.
    • The original instance lets you view the replayed child instance.
    • The replayed instance lets you view the replayed parent instance and the replayed child instances.

    You can replay the original instance again or replay the previously-replayed instance again.

    If you no longer want the integration to be replayable, you can change the configuration.

  12. In the navigation pane, click Design, then Integrations.
  13. Hover over the row of the integration to configure, and select Actions Actions icon, then Configure activation.
  14. In the Configure runtime options section, deselect Allow to run again, then click Save. You do not need to deactivate the integration. The change is applied to the active integration.
  15. Run your integration again and go to the Instances page to review the results.
  16. Hover over the row for that instance and note that there is no Run again Run again icon icon for replaying this specific instance.


    The instances that you created previously when the integration was replayable still show the Run again Run again icon icon. However, if you attempt to replay these instances, you receive an error. This is because the integration is no longer replayable.

You can also reprocess (replay) B2B for Oracle Integration instances. See B2B Tracking in Using B2B for Oracle Integration 3.