Configure a Custom Endpoint for an Instance

Configure a custom endpoint to access your Oracle Integration instance with your own hostname (for example,, instead of the original instance URL generated in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

Runtime access to your integrations will use the custom endpoint with no redirection. For all other access points—design-time, Visual Builder, Process Automation—you still access the custom endpoint, but the custom endpoint then redirects to the appropriate URL.


Associating a custom endpoint with your Oracle Integration instance doesn't affect the original instance URL. You can access your instance using the custom endpoint URL or the original instance URL.
To configure a custom endpoint, complete the following prerequisites:
  • Choose a custom hostname for your instance.
  • Register the hostname with either the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure DNS or your DNS provider.
  • Obtain an SSL certificate from a certificate authority (CA) for your hostname. If you use a hostname certificate whose CA isn't in the Oracle Integration trust store, you must also upload the certificate to your Oracle Integration instance; otherwise, an exception is thrown in the scenarios the instance calls itself.
  • Front-end your instance with a service such as OCI WAF Edge to validate and terminate SSL for your custom hostname. See Set Up a WAF Policy.


    API Gateway doesn't redirect access points such as design-time, Visual Builder, and Process Automation. If you use API Gateway for your instance, you'll need to access these resources using the original URLs.
  • You must have previously created the instance. You add a custom endpoint when editing an instance, not during creation.
  • You must have direct access to your Oracle Integration instance.
Perform the following steps to configure a custom endpoint:
  1. If you're not already on the Integration instances page, open it.
    1. Open the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
    2. Open the navigation menu and click Developer Services. Under Application Integration, click Integration.
  2. Open your instance.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Click Show advanced options.
  5. Enter your custom hostname for the instance.
  6. Click Save changes.

Conditional Post-Configuration Tasks:

  • If you're using three-legged OAuth with third-party identity providers (such as Google, Facebook, etc.), update the redirect URL in your identity provider (IdP) application with the custom hostname. If the custom hostname for your Oracle Integration instance is, your redirect URL must be, for example,

    After updating the redirect URL in the IdP application, you must reacquire the access token by providing consent on the connection page.

  • If you created integration flows prior to mapping a custom endpoint to your instance, you must deactivate and re-activate those integrations to regenerate the WSDLs.


If you're using the Oracle NetSuite Adapter, the adapter's TBA Authorization Flow security policy won't work with custom endpoints for Oracle Integration.