Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

You must satisfy the following prerequisites to create a connection with the REST Adapter:

OAuth Security Policies Use

If you are using one of the OAuth security policies, you must already have registered your client application to complete the necessary fields on the Connections page. The Basic Authentication and No Security Policy security policies are exempted.

Before a client application can request access to resources on a resource server, the client application must first register with the authorization server associated with the resource server.

The registration is typically a one-time task. Once registered, the registration remains valid, unless the client application registration is revoked.

At registration time, the client application is assigned a client ID and a client secret (password) by the authorization server. The client ID and secret are unique to the client application on that authorization server. If a client application registers with multiple authorization servers (for example, Facebook, Twitter, and Google), each authorization server issues its own unique client ID to the client application.


For OAuth configuration, read the provider documentation carefully and provide the relevant values.

SSL Endpoints Use

For SSL endpoints, obtain and upload a server certificate. See Upload a Certificate to Connect with External Services.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) REST API Consumption

Before you can create a connection that consumes an Amazon Web Services (AWS) REST API, you must obtain the necessary access and secret keys. See Understanding and Getting Your Security Credentials.

OCI Signature Version 1 Security Policy Use

To configure the REST Adapter to use the OCI Signature Version 1 security policy on the Connections page, you must perform several tasks:
  • Create an API signing key. You then specify the signing key in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
    1. Create the signing key in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure using openssl. The key must be in RSA (PKCS1) format. During creation, you also create a pass phase to protect the key. Both the key and pass phrase are required when configuring the OCI Signature Version 1 security policy on the Connections page. See Creating a Key Pair.

      If the key downloaded from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console is in PKCS8 format, it must be converted to RSA (PKCS1) format. See Convert a Private Key from PKCS8 to RSA (PKCS1) Format for the OCI Signature Version 1 Security Policy.

      Existing connections already using the OCI Signature Version 1 security policy do not need to be upgraded because they continue to work.

    2. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
    3. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Identity, click Users.

      A list of users in your tenancy is displayed.

    4. On the Users page, click the link of the user name to use.
    5. Scroll down to the API Keys section, and click Add API Key.
    6. In the Add API Key dialog, enter the contents of the public key you created, and click Add.
    7. Copy the finger print value generated by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. You need this value when configuring the OCI Signature Version 1 security policy on the Connections page.

      The API keys dialog shows a link for Add API Key. Below is a table with the finger print value and the time at which it was created.

  • Obtain the tenancy OCID and user OCID details in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console. When you sign up for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Oracle creates a tenancy for your company, which is a secure and isolated partition within Oracle Cloud Infrastructure where you can create, organize, and administer your cloud resources.
    1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
    2. Open the navigation menu and click Governance & Administration. Under Account Management, click Tenancy Details.
    3. In the Tenancy information section, click Show to display the OCID tenancy value.
    4. Copy the value. You need this value when configuring the OCI Signature Version 1 security policy on the Connections page.
    5. In the header, click the Profile icon and select User Settings.

      The Profile icon is selected to show the Profile menu. This menu includes links for oracleidentitycloudservice/, Tenancy, Service user Console, User settings, Console settings, and sign out.


      You can also open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security, then under Identity, click Users to access the user profile.
    6. Click Show to display the OCID user value.
    7. Copy the value. You need this value when configuring the OCI Signature Version 1 security policy on the Connections page.

RPST and OCI Service Invocation Security Policy Use

To use RPST and the OCI Service Invocation security policy, you must satisfy the following prerequisites.

  • Ensure that your cloud tenancy uses identity domains. The OCI Service Invocation security policy that you select on the Connections page does not work in cloud tenancies that are not enabled for identity domains. If you are unsure, ask your administrator for details. Your cloud tenancy does not use identity domains if you observe either of the following:
    • In the upper right corner, you select your Profiles icon and don't see an entry for identity domain.

      The Profile menu shows entries for the oracleidentitycloudservice provider, tenancy, service user console, user settings, console settings, and sign out link.

    • From the Menu icon menu, you select Identity & Security and don't see Domains under the Identity section.

      The image shows the search field, and links for Home, Compute, Storage, Networking, Oracle Database, Databases, Analytics & AI, Developer Services, and Identity & Security (which is selected). On the right are options for Identity, Users, Groups, Dynamic Groups, Network Sources, Policies, Compartments, Federation, Authentication Settings Cloud guard, and Overview.

  • Create the required dynamic group and assign a policy to that group to allow your Oracle Integration instance to access Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services, such as Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Functions, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Vision, and more. The policy defines the permissions for the dynamic group and determines which operations the dynamic group can perform on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services.
    1. Log in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.
    2. Obtain the client ID of the OAuth application for the Oracle Integration instance.
      1. In the upper right corner, select Profile, then click the identity domain.


      2. In the left navigation pane, click Oracle Cloud Services.

        The Identity domain menu shows entries Overview, Users, Groups, Dynamic groups, Applications, and Oracle Cloud Services.

        The Oracle Cloud Services page for your domain appears.

      3. In the Name column, click your service instance.
      4. Scroll down to the General Information section and copy the client ID value to use to create your dynamic group.
    3. Scroll to the breadcrumbs at the top and click Default domain.

      The Identity > Domains > Default domain > Oracle Cloud Services breadcrumbs are shown.

    4. In the left navigation pane, click Dynamic groups.
    5. Click Create Dynamic Group.
    6. Enter the following details:
      1. In the Name and Description fields, enter values. These fields are required.
      2. In the Matching Rules section, enter the required rule. The resource ID you specify must match the client ID of the OAuth application of your Oracle Integration instance. Ensure that you enclose the value in single quotes. For example: = 'client_ID'

        The Matching rules section shows a value of = 'FA2E'

    7. Scroll to the breadcrumbs at the top and click Identity.

      The Identity > Domains > Default domain breadcrumbs are shown.

    8. In the left navigation pane, click Policies.
    9. Click Create Policy.
    10. Select the compartment in which to create the policy.
    11. Enter the following details:
      1. In the Name and Description fields, enter values. These fields are required.
      2. In the Policy Builder section, build the required policy for the dynamic group. For this example, the policy is specified to manage all Oracle Cloud Infrastructure service resources in the compartment in which your Oracle Integration instance is located.
        allow dynamic-group dynamic_group to manage all-resources in compartment compartment_name 

        The Edit Policy Statements button is shown. Below this is the policy you entered. This policy is shown above this image.

        • dynamic_group: Is the dynamic group name you specified in Step 5.
        • compartment_name: Is the compartment in which your Oracle Integration instance is located.

        This enables the Oracle Integration instance associated with the dynamic group to call any Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services in this particular compartment. The RPST token is only valid for resources to which the dynamic group has been granted access using this policy.

JWT Assertions Outbound Use

Perform the following prerequisites to use JWT assertions.
  • Manually create a signing key for upload on the Certificates page. See Upload a Certificate to Connect with External Services.

    The service provider typically provides instructions on how to generate the signing keys and the format. For an example, see Required Keys and OCIDs.

  • Create the JWT header and JWT payload JSON files. You upload both files on the Connections page when configuring the REST Adapter to support JWT assertions. For example:
    JWT Header JSON File Example JWT Payload JSON File Example
      "alg": "RS256",
      "kid": "cecsassertion"


    • alg: The algorithm to use.
    • kid: A key identifier that is uniquely-generated and associated with the uploaded signing key.
      "iss": "3485233d3fed4fbcb38338e536d399fc",
      "sub": "3485233d3fed4fbcb38338e536d399fc",
      "aud": "",
      "exp": 1672564057"


    • JWT issuer (iss): A unique identifier for the entity that issued the assertion. This is typically the entity that holds the key material used to sign or integrity-protect the assertion. Examples of issuers are OAuth clients (when assertions are self-issued) and third-party security token services. If the assertion is self-issued, the issuer value is the client identifier (client_id). If the assertion was issued by a security token service (STS), the issuer must identify the STS in a manner recognized by the authorization server. The assertion must contain an issuer.
    • JWT subject (sub): The subject typically identifies an authorized accessor for which the access token is being requested (that is, the resource owner or an authorized delegate). In some cases, this may be a pseudo anonymous identifier or other value denoting an anonymous user. When the client is acting on behalf of itself, the subject must be the value of the client's client_id. The assertion must contain a subject.
    • JWT audience (aud): A value that identifies the party or parties to process the assertion. The assertion must contain an audience that identifies the authorization server as the intended audience. The authorization server must reject any assertion that does not contain its own identity as the intended audience (in this case, for Oracle Identity Cloud Service,
    • Expires at (exp): The time at which the assertion expires. While the serialization may differ by assertion format, the time must be expressed in UTC format with no time zone component. The assertion must contain an expires-at entity that limits the window during which the assertion can be used. The authorization server must reject expired assertions (subject to allowable clock skew between systems). The authorization server may reject assertions with an expires-at attribute value that is unreasonably far in the future.


    Carefully review the JWT documentation of your service provider and ensure that you follow all guidelines required by the service provider to correctly create the header and payload files. The content of each file varies from one service provider to another. The REST Adapter supports the different implementations of JWT provided by the following service providers: