About File Server

File Server provides an embedded SFTP server within Oracle Integration, enabling organizations to focus on building integrations without needing to host and maintain a separate SFTP server.

Prerequisite: Enable File Server

An administrator must enable File Server before your organization can start using it. An administrator enables File Server for a given Oracle Integration instance by working in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. See Enable File Server.

How to Connect to File Server from an Integration

When designing an integration that connects to File Server, you have the following options:

  • Connect to File Server using the File server action.

    The File server action offers improved performance and easier setup, compared to the FTP Adapter.

  • Connect to File Server using the FTP Adapter.

    The FTP Adapter offers some capabilities that aren't available with the File server action. For details, see Interact with Files in File Server in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.

Two primary boxes appear. The title of the first primary box is Option 1: Use the File Server Action. Within this box, Oracle Integration is illustrated as a box that contains two other boxes: Integration and File Server. Within the Integration box are 3 integrations, which point to the File server action. A two-way arrow connects the File server action and the File Server box. The File Server box contains an SFTP server, which is connected to 3 files. Two-way arrows connect Oracle Integration with a REST Client and SFTP Client. The title of the second primary box is Option 2: Use the FTP Adapter. This box is identical to the first primary box, except the FTP Adapter appears in place of the FIle server action.

How to Connect to File Server Outside an Integration

You can reach File Server, even when you're not working in Oracle Integration. Use any standalone SFTP client that is supported. See Supported SFTP Clients.

File Server Roles

Permissions in File Server are defined by a subset of Oracle Integration roles.

The following table lists predefined roles available in Oracle Integration, and the File Server tasks that users with those roles can perform.

Oracle Integration Roles Personas and Permissions in File Server


Users with this role can manage server settings and configure users, groups, and folders, including permissions. To administer File Server as described in this guide, you must be assigned the ServiceAdministrator role in Oracle Integration.


Users with this role can use File Server along with the FTP Adapter or File server action to read and write files.


Users with this role can access File Server using an SFTP client. These users must be configured and enabled as users in File Server. Their access is controlled by their assigned folders and folder permissions.

  • ServiceMonitor
  • ServiceDeployer
  • ServiceInvoker
  • ServiceViewer

These roles do not have any privileges in File Server.

File Server REST APIs

APIs are provided for File Server administration, as described in REST API for File Server in Oracle Integration.