
You can track the B2B-message interaction between trading partners on the Track B2B messages page. This page provides B2B-specific message tracking information that is not available on the Instances page for integrations.

To view the Track B2B messages page, click Observability in the navigation pane, then click B2B tracking.

The page contains the following two tabs:

  • Wire messages
  • Business messages

To understand the type of transactions displayed on each of these tabs, let's consider an example in which an interaction is initiated by an inbound message sent from a trading partner to the host trading partner (site in which Oracle Integration is installed). This interaction contains the following four messages:

  1. The host trading partner receives an invoice document (EDI 810) from a trading partner.
  2. The host trading partner performs the following actions:
    1. Sends a message disposition notification (MDN) to the trading partner to acknowledge receipt of the invoice.
    2. Parses the EDI document to a format understood by Oracle Integration.
  3. The host trading partner sends a functional acknowledgment (EDI 997) to the trading partner.
  4. The trading partner sends a message to the host trading partner acknowledging receipt of the EDI 997.

Wire Messages

Wire messages are raw messages exchanged between trading partners. Wire messages flow back and forth between trading partners. All the messages in the document transaction example above are tracked on the Wire messages tab.

Description of tp_wire_message.png follows
Description of the illustration tp_wire_message.png

The left column identifies the message direction. Inbound messages (those received by the host trading partner with Oracle Integration) are identified by Inbound message Inbound message icon and outbound messages (those sent from the host trading partner) are identified by Outbound message Outbound message icon.

The Payload name column shows the payload file that was transmitted.

Business Messages

The Business messages tab displays the transactions or messages at the business level as they are being processed by the integrations. For the current example, only the business messages in the interaction are shown on this page. Depending upon the message interaction, multiple business messages can be displayed. When the payload is translated with the EDI parser, an XML message is created that corresponds to this business message.

If the business message includes an invoice, the Business identifier column displays the invoice number extracted from the business message. In addition, all the important details, such as processing logs including any errors, payload information, or functional acknowledgments are available for each business message.

The following image shows the business messages in the example interaction:
A table with columns for Document, Trading partner, Status, and Business identifier. The image shows three business messages.