Monitor Agents

When the Dashboard tells you that one or more connectivity agents are unavailable, come to the Agents page. Here, you can determine which connectivity agents and agent groups are down.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Observability, then Agents.

    Description of oic3_monitor_agents.png follows
    Description of the illustration oic3_monitor_agents.png

    The Monitor Agents page shows details such as the time at which the agents were last updated and the connectivity agents associated with the agent groups.

    • If the agent status is green, this indicates that the agent is running and able to process messages.

    • If the agent status is red, you cannot select it in the Select an Agent Group dialog of the Connections page, even though the agent may be up and running.

  2. Click Expand Expand icon to view details about the agent group such as the creation date and the last startup date for the connectivity agent.


When you shut down the connectivity agent server, several minutes pass before the agent is displayed as down on the Monitor Agents page (as indicated by a red thunderbolt).