Monitor the Message Processing Status of Integrations

The Monitor integrations page enables you to view the message processing status of your running integrations, including how many messages have been received and processed, how many successful messages and errors have occurred, and how many messages have been aborted.

Only activated integrations are listed on this page by default. Using the appropriate filter, you can also view data for inactive integrations.
  1. In the navigation pane, click Observability, then Integrations.
    A list of active integrations appears by default, along with processing information about the number of messages received, the number of messages processed, the number of successful messages, the number of failed messages, and the number of aborted messages. For schedule integrations, navigation links are provided that take you to the Schedule and Future Runs page.

    A Total instance count summary is displayed at the top of the page. This section is collapsed by default. Data is not immediately fetched.

  2. Expand the Total instance count section and click the Refresh button to fetch and view data.

    This summary shows the count of total available messages in various states present in the tracking store. This summary is different from the metrics shown on the Integration dashboards page. While the Integration dashboards page metrics consist of historical data collected since the environment was created, the Monitor Integrations page shows only the current set of messages that have not yet been purged.

    The Total instance count section shows the number of received, processed, succeeded, in error, and abort instances.

  3. Click Filter Filter icon, then select the time window, integration status (active, configured, activating, failed, and all), integration style (application, schedule, or event), or integration type (all integrations, only integrations in a project, or only integrations not in a project). If you select to show integrations in a project, you are prompted to begin entering the project name and select from the matching suggestions.
    You can also specify a custom time range to filter the search for integrations under Date range with the From and To buttons. This functionality also exists on other monitoring pages such as the Instances page or Errors page.

    The values shown in the table columns are based on the selected time window (last 1 hour, last 6 hours, and so on):
    • Received: Shows the number of new incoming messages (or instances created). It is possible that some of these messages will not complete processing within the selected time window.
    • Processed: Shows the sum of the Succeeded, Errored. and Aborted column values. This is the number of messages that completed processing in the selected time window. Some messages may have been received in a prior time window, but completed processing during the currently-selected window.
    • Succeeded, Errored, and Aborted: The explanation is the same as the Processed column count. The only difference is the different terminal states.

    A difference can exist between the number of messages listed in the Received and Processed columns. For example, assume there are 76 Received column messages and 184 Processed column messages. This means that for the selected time window, 76 new messages were received. In that same time window, 184 messages completed processing. Many of the 184 would have been received before the selected time window, and therefore not counted in the Received message total. Similarly, many of the 76 Received messages may not complete within the selected time window. Therefore, even though they are counted in the Received total, they are not counted in the Processed total.

    For schedule integrations (identified by Scheduled integration icon), the Name column includes a label identifying the state of the schedule integration:
    • No schedule defined
    • Paused
    • Running
    • Started
    • Stopped

    The user who last submitted the schedule of an integration is displayed in the Last scheduled by column. For nonschedule integrations such as application integrations, this column remains empty.

  4. Click numbers in the Received, Processed, Succeeded, and Aborted columns to access the list of instances in those states on the Instances page. If you click the Received number, instances are displayed based on their creation date. All other clickable numbers are sorted by their last updated date.
  5. Click numbers in the Errored column to access the list of instances in that state on the Errors page.
  6. Hover over a row for an integration and click View statistics View statistics to show aggregated instance metrics for the selected integration. You can view the total counts and the minimum (quickest), maximum (slowest), average (mean), and standard (largest) deviation execution times of integrations over a selected time period (for example, last hour, last 32 hours, last week, and more). You can also select to view which of the execution times fall into the 75th, 95th, and 99th percentiles.

    The Statistics page shows the number of Received, Processed, Succeeded, Errored, and Aborted instances. Last 32 days is selected. There are also buttons for Hour and Day. Below are clickable colors for Minimum, Maximum, Average, and Standard deviation. Below this are buttons for 75 Percentile, 95 Percentile, and 99 Percentile. A graph shows the times and days for instances. Below this is another graph that shows instance counts and days. Below this is another graph for days.

    1. Select the check boxes for which to view execution time metrics. By default, each check box is selected.
      • Minimum: Minimum (quickest) integration execution times.
      • Maximum: Maximum (slowest) integration execution times.
      • Average: Average (mean) integration execution times.
      • Standard deviation: Standard (largest) deviation execution times.
    2. If you want to know the percentile into which the selected metric falls, select a percentile.
    3. Select a time range for which to view metrics.
    4. Drag your cursor across the time segments in the Instance count section or drag the vertical bar across the Time section to show instance execution metrics for a particular time period. These metrics can help identify execution trends. For example, execution times are slower at one time, which may occur because of an adapter connection issue. Or there is a significant wait time for schedule integrations to run because too many schedule integrations are executing at once. You can then revise the schedule to make more optimal use of Oracle Integration.

      The Statistics page shows clickable colors for Minimum, Maximum, Average, and Standard deviation. Below this are buttons for 75 Percentile, 95 Percentile, and 99 Percentile. A graph shows the times and days for instances. Below this is another graph that shows instance counts and days.

    5. Click a time segment bar in the Integration count section to access a filtered list of the instances for that segment on the Instances page.
  7. Click an integration in the Name column to access a graphical view of the integration flow.

    The Share drop-down list provides options for exporting the integration or printing a graphical view of the integration.

    The inline menus of the triggers, invokes, and actions in the integration flow provide access to additional details. For example, for an invoke connection:

    Schedule, Map, Invoke, and Stage File actions are shown. The actions menu of the Invoke is selected to show options for View and View Connection.

  8. Click Actions Actions icon to view a set of options. The options that appear are based on the trigger, action, or invoke that you selected.
    1. For actions, click View to view configuration details.
    2. For triggers and invokes, click View to view Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard configuration details and View connection to view connection configuration details.
    3. For schedules, click View to view configured schedule parameters or Edit schedule definition to edit the schedule definition.
    1. For logic actions such as a scope, switch, for each, and others, click Expand to view all elements within the action or Collapse to close the logic action.
    2. For scopes, click Fault handlers to view any fault handlers defined in the scope.
  9. For schedule integrations (identified by Scheduled integration icon), hover over the row of the integration to access and click Actions Actions icon. The tasks available for selection are based upon the state of the schedule integration.
    Schedule Integration State Actions Menu Items
    No schedule defined
    • Add schedule
    • Run
    • Run
    • Stop schedule
    • Resume schedule
    • Schedule
    • Pause schedule
    • Run
    • Schedule
    • Stop schedule
    • View future runs
    • Retry
    • Run
    • Edit schedule
    • Run
    • Schedule
    • Start schedule


    If you are a user with the ServiceAdministrator role, you can change the user with which to run the schedule.
  10. For schedule integrations, hover over a row and select Open Details Open details icon to view details about the time of the last message and the time for the next scheduled run.