Step 3: Export and Import Design-Time Metadata Between Instances

You can export and import archives of integration design-time metadata between instances. This feature can be useful if you want to take a snapshot of a production environment and try to recreate a problem in a different environment, move metadata from an instance in one region to an instance in another region, perform manual archives, or automate your environment to archive daily to a repository such as Git.


  • Ensure that you first configure the Swift URL location and username and password credentials of the object storage bucket instance to which to export an archive of your design-time metadata on the Instance storage page. See Step 2: Configure the Instance Object Storage Bucket.
  • You cannot export Oracle Integration Generation 2 archives and import them into Oracle Integration 3 or export Oracle Integration 3 archives and import them into Oracle Integration Generation 2.
  • This feature cannot be used to export specific integrations. All integrations are exported.

Create an Export Job

You create an export job that consists of an archive file of design-time metadata that you want to export to the object storage bucket you configured on the Instance storage page.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Settings, then Import and export.

    The Import and Export page is displayed with the status of any import and export jobs.

    The Import and Export page. At the top right is the Import button and Export button. Below is the total number of jobs value. Below this is a table with columns for Name, Status, Duration, and Start time.

  2. Click Export to create a job. A job consists of an archive file of design-time metadata that you want to export to the object storage bucket. If you have not configured an object storage bucket, you are prompted to click Configure now.
  3. Complete the following fields.
    Element Description
    Job Name Enter a unique job name or accept the default value.
    Export security artifacts Select the check box to export the following security artifacts with your job:
    • Security policies
    • Security credentials (for connections)
    • Customer certificates
    Description Enter an optional description that describes the export job.

    The Create export job panel shows the Instance storage label and the Job name field. Below this is the Export security artifacts check box. Below this is the Description field. At the bottom are Cancel and Export buttons.

  4. Click Export.
    A message is displayed in the banner at the top of the page.
    Export job has been successfully started.
  5. View the status of export job creation and click Refresh Refresh icon periodically to view progress.
    When the export job completes successfully, Completed is displayed in the Status field.
  6. Click Details Open details icon to view details about the job.
  7. If export archive creation does not complete successfully, click Download detailed report The Download detailed report icon. to download a report about the export job.

Create an Import Job

You create a job to import the exported archive job from the object storage bucket instance into the new instance.

  1. Sign in to the instance in which to import the exported archive of design-time metadata.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Settings, then Import and export.
  3. Click Import to create a job to import the exported archive job from the object storage bucket instance into the new instance.
  4. Complete the following fields.
    Element Description
    File name Select the archive from the list to import into the instance.
    Import options Select the import mode:
    • Import: Imports all integrations in the archive. You can also select Activate and Start schedules to activate all integrations and start all schedules during this same import session or during a separate session at a later time. Selecting those options separately enables you to first update any configuration properties in the imported integrations (for example, modify any necessary configuration or security properties on the Connections page for each integration).
    • Activate: Activates all integrations imported with the Import option during the same session or during a separate session. You can also select Start schedules to start any integration schedules.
    • Start schedules: Starts integration schedules during the same session in which you selected Import and Activate or during a separate session.
    Import security artifacts Select this check box if you previously selected Export security artifacts when creating your export archive job. You can also show this option by clicking Import.
    Job name Enter a unique job name or accept the default value.
    Description Enter an optional description that describes the import job.

    The Create import job panel shows the Instance storage label and the File name field. Below this is the Import options section, which includes check boxes for Import, Activate, and Stop schedules. Below this are the Job name field and Description field. At the bottom are Cancel and Import buttons.

  5. Click Import to start the job to import the archive from the object storage bucket instance into the new Oracle Integration instance.
    A message is displayed in the banner at the top of the page.
    Import job has been successfully started.
  6. View the status of import job creation and click Refresh Refresh icon periodically to view progress.
    When the import job completes successfully, Completed is displayed in the Status field.
  7. Click Details Open details icon to view details about the job.
  8. If the import archive is not successful, click Download detailed report The Download detailed report icon. to download a report about the import job.
  9. Browse the pages and note that the design-time metadata you exported is now visible. For example, for Integrations, look for integrations, connections, lookups, and more.


    Your archive file resides in the object storage bucket until you delete it.