Test Integrations from Outside the Integration Canvas

You can test application integrations designed with a REST Adapter trigger connection and scheduled integrations from the Actions menu of the integration in Oracle Integration.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Design, then Integrations.
  2. Hover over the REST Adapter trigger connection-based integration to run, then click Actions icon and select Run.
    The Configure and run page is displayed with the following sections:

    The Operation and Request sections include the endpoint's metadata.

Operation Section

If the REST Adapter trigger connection-based integration is configured with multiple operations, the Operation section is displayed. This section contains the Operation list for selecting the appropriate operation, along with the HTTP method and relative URI (for the selected operation in case of multiple operations). If your integration contains only a single operation, this list is not displayed.

  1. Select the available operation to test.

    The Configure and run dialog is shown. An Operation dropdown list appears at the top.

  2. View the following links.
    • Endpoint Metadata: Displays endpoint description details, such as the Swagger path, the OpenAPI path, how to run the integration, the operation name, and the endpoint URL.
    • Track Instances: Displays the Instances page, which shows the details of runs of this instance.
  3. Enter a value in the Request section and click Run to invoke the integration (for this example, a value is specified for id).
    Integration has been invoked with instance id id_number. Please check the Response section for more details.

    The Activity Stream panel opens and the Response section shows a status value of 200 OK.

    Description of test_multiple_ops2.png follows
    Description of the illustration test_multiple_ops2.png

  4. Click the instance ID in the Response section to access the Instance Details page for this instance.

    The Instance Details page shows the graphical flow of the integration instance on the left and the Activity Stream panel on the right. The panel shows the key milestones in the integration.

Request and Response Sections

The Request and Response sections enable you to trigger and view response output for your REST Adapter trigger connection-based integrations. Links are provided at the top to access the Instances page and the endpoint metadata.

The Request section consists of the following fields:

  • URI Parameters: Shows the list of expected path (or template) and query parameters. You can enter data in this field.
  • Headers: Shows the custom headers, including Accept based on the integration configuration.
  • Body: Enables you to view the message body contents or upload a file. Support is provided for uploading multipart payloads or for uploading nontextual payloads such as PDF or image files.
    • If the request operation does not have a body, the following message is displayed.
      This request does not have a body
    • If the request operation includes a body, its contents are automatically displayed. For example:

      The Configure and run title is shown at the top. The POST operation is shown. After this, the Body tab is selected to show the body payload.

    • If you want to browse for and upload a binary or nontextual payload (such as a PDF or image file), click File. For this example, an image file is uploaded.

      The URI Parameters, Headers, Body (selected), cURL, and Integration Properties tabs are shown. After this are the Test and File (selected) buttons. After this is the Choose File button. An image file has been selected.

    • For endpoints with multipart payloads, a form is displayed under the Body field that can be used to provide a value for each part in the multipart body. Two multipart attachments types are supported in the request payload:
      • multipart/form-data
      • multipart/payload with structured data such as JSON and XML:
        • multipart/form-data
        • multipart/mixed

      For the following example, two headers for multipart/form-data are visible under the Headers tab.

      The Headers tab in the Request section is selected to show two application/json headers.

      Use cases for both multipart attachment types are provided. See Test REST Adapter Trigger-Based Integrations with Multipart Attachments on the Configure and run page.

  • cURL: Enables you to copy the equivalent curl command. The curl command is generated based on the endpoint's metadata and your provided input.
  • Integration Properties: Any defined integration properties are visible. You can configure integration properties outside of the regular integration design. At runtime, these integration properties take effect and override the values you configured at design time. See Override Design-Time Properties in an Integration.
  1. Click Run to invoke the integration.

    The Activity Stream panel for this instance is displayed on the right side of the page. You can also access the instance in the Instances page by clicking Track Instances above the operation.

    This image shows the Request and Response sections on the left side. The Response section includes the instance status (200 OK) and instance ID. After are the Body and Headers tabs. The Headers tab is selected to show values for Message and Welcome. On the right, the Activity Stream panel is open to show the flow of messages through the instance.

  2. Check the Response section for response details.

    The Response section consists of the HTTP status of the headers (200 OK for this example) and instance ID of the triggered integration that links to the Instance Details page. After this are the response body and headers included in the body.

  3. Scroll to the right of Status and note the instance ID link. This link takes you to the Instance Details page for this instance. See Track Integration Instances.