View Oracle Integration Announcements

View alerts about important events or issues concerning your Oracle Integration instances.

  1. In the upper corner of the Home page, click Announcements icon to display the Announcements window, which lists important items for your Oracle Integration instance.

    A number on the icon indicates the number of upcoming announcements that are unread. (Unread announcements that have passed their dates are not reflected in the number.)


    Announcements must be enabled for your instance. If you see a message that there are no announcements, contact your Oracle Integration administrator.

    In the Announcements window, items are listed by publish date, with most recent items at the top. Announcements typically indicate required actions (such as tagging) or upcoming maintenance, and the list is refreshed every hour. A blue dot appears next to unread announcements.

  2. Mark an item as read by hovering over the item's row and selecting Mark as Read from the options menu that is displayed.