Workflow for Building and Testing an Adapter

Use the following approach as a general guideline to build and test an adapter; however, you may choose to complete some of these steps in any order. Iteratively refine your adapter as you build it to suit your requirements.

Workflow Table


The workflow and the associated steps illustrate building an adapter using a Postman collection of an application's APIs. However, you can also use this workflow to build an adapter using an OpenAPI document that describes a set of application APIs. If you'd like to use an OpenAPI document, import the document into VS Code and start from Step 3 in the Workflow Table.

Here is an illustration of the recommended iterative-development process:

A decorative image provides an overview of the build workflow. The text from this image appears in the table below, along with more information about each step.

Order Step More information


Obtain the details for an API call

To get started, refer to the public APIs available for an application, and obtain the URL and parameters necessary to make a particular API request.

See Obtain the Details for an API Call.


Create a Postman collection using the request

In the Postman application, create a collection using the API request, test the request, and export the collection to a JSON file.

As a best practice, start with one API request in your collection.

Create a Postman Collection Using API Requests.


Generate the adapter definition document

Using the VS Code extension for Rapid Adapter Builder, generate an adapter definition document from the Postman collection (or an OpenAPI document).

Generate an Adapter Definition Document.


Review and update the adapter definition document

When you convert a Postman collection into an adapter definition document, several sections of the document are automatically populated for you, including connections and actions. However, you can review and update the document according to your requirements in the VS Code editor.

See Review and Update an Adapter Definition Document


Validate the adapter definition document

After making updates to your adapter definition document, validate the document to ensure it doesn't contain any errors.

See Validate an Adapter Definition Document.


Register the adapter for testing

Make you adapter available on an development instance of Oracle Integration for testing.

See Register an Adapter for Testing.


Test the adapter

Test the adapter's functionality to ensure that everything works as expected.

See Test an Adapter.

Depending on your findings during testing, update your adapter definition document. Review, validate, and test until you achieve the desired results.


Repeat the previous steps to add functionality

After you've successfully added one functionality to your adapter, add support for another API request. However, you don't have to generate a new adapter definition document for each new request. The VS Code extension allows you to add new requests to the same adapter definition document.

See Add Functionality to an Adapter Definition Document.


While building or testing your adapter, create documentation that helps integration developers work with the adapter. You can use any adapter user guide created by Oracle as a template. See the Adapters page on the Oracle Help Center.

After you have completed the iterative-development of your adapter, you can release it on a production instance of Oracle Integration. See Deploy an Adapter to Production.