Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

To use the Twitter Adapter, you must first have access to the Twitter API for your integration. To access the Twitter API, you must create an application.

To create an application:


Create a separate Twitter application for every Oracle Integration instance.
  1. Go to the Twitter developer page at
  2. Create a new account or log in using an existing account if you already have one.
  3. Click Manage Your Apps in the footer of the Twitter developer page.
  4. Create a new application or select an existing one if already created.
  5. Authorize your application to use your Twitter account by clicking Create my access token.
  6. On the Permissions tab, ensure that the application has Read and Write permissions.
  7. Copy and paste the OAuth settings to a safe location, as displayed in the Keys and Access Tokens tab.
    You need the following information. These keys contain sensitive data, and must be kept secret. If anyone gets this information, they can access your Twitter account.
    • Consumer key

    • Consumer secret

    • Access token

    • Access token secret

    You specify this information when creating a connection in Configure Connection Security.


Before creating a Twitter connection, you must upload the trusted Twitter public certificate to Oracle Integration. The Twitter public certificate can be downloaded from Rename the public certificate file extension to .cer. See Upload a Certificate to Connect with External Services.