Assign Business Identifiers for Tracking Fields in Messages

This section describes how to manage business identifiers that enable you to track fields in messages during runtime.

Assign Business Identifiers

Business identifiers enable you to track payload fields in messages during runtime. You can specify up to three business identifier fields for tracking during design time. One of these fields must be selected as the primary business identifier field. The primary business identifier enables you to track fields across integration flows during runtime, and is always available. At runtime, the status of business identifiers is visible on the Instances page and (if integration errors have occurred) the Errors page. If you created scheduled parameters, they are available for assignment as business identifiers.

If you have not yet configured at least one business identifier tracking field in your integration, an error icon is displayed in the design canvas. See Missing a Primary Business Identifier in an Integration.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Design, then Integrations.
  2. Click the specific integration to which to add business identifiers. You can only add business identifiers to integrations that are not active. If an integration is active, you can only view its existing business identifiers.
  3. Click Business Identifiers Business identifiers icon.
    The Business Identifiers panel is displayed. The source payload for the selected integration is displayed on the left side. You can only assign business identifiers to fields of source payloads. You cannot assign business identifiers to fields of target payloads.
  4. From the Sources tree, drag the payload field that you want to track to Business Identifier Field. At least one identifier is required. If you only add one, it is automatically selected as the primary key. A check mark to the left of the name indicates that this is the primary business identifier. If you created scheduled parameters, they are available for assignment as a primary or secondary business identifier.
  5. Drag additional business identifiers to the fields, when needed.

Delete Business Identifiers

You can delete business identifiers that track fields in messages during runtime.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Design, then Integrations.
  2. Click the specific integration in which to delete a business identifier. You can only delete business identifiers in integrations that are not active. If an integration is active, you can view, but not delete, the contents of the Business Identifiers panel.
  3. Click Business Identifiers Business identifiers icon.
    The Business Identifiers panel is displayed.
  4. For the business identifier to delete, click Clear Clear icon. If you delete the primary business identifier, select a new one. Without a primary identifier, you cannot track fields across integration flows during runtime on the Instances page.

Maintain Business Identifier Definitions During Trigger Connection/Schedule Integration Parameter Changes

Beginning with new integrations created in Release 23.08, when a trigger connection changes or a schedule integration parameter is deleted, business identifier definitions are not removed. Instead, the definitions are retained and validated based on the changes.

The following table describes business identifier definition status based on the release in which the integration was created.

If You ... Existing Integrations Created Prior to Release 23.08 New Integrations Created in Release 23.08 and Later
Edit a trigger connection in the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard and either make changes or simply click through the wizard pages without making changes. The business identifier is removed. You must redefine the business identifier. After that, the business identifier behavior described for new integrations created in Release 23.08 is followed. The business identifier is retained and validated.

If you remove a parameter used by the business identifier (for example, a query parameter in the wizard that is used as the business identifier definition), a validation error is displayed in the Errors panel:

Primary business identifier
Invalid tracking variables definition

Re-define the business identifier to resolve the error.

Delete a scheduling parameter used by the business identifier. Validation is performed and an error is displayed in the Errors panel. Validation is performed and an error is displayed in the Errors panel.