Monitor Integrations in a Project

You can track instances and monitor errors in a project from a single workspace during runtime. You can also access and view the activity stream that shows details about the movement of messages through integrations.

Monitor the Message Processing Status of Integrations in Projects

You can view the message processing status of your running integrations in a project, including how many messages have been received and processed, how many successful messages and errors have occurred, and how many messages have been canceled. You can also view aggregated instance metrics for the selected integration.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Projects.
  2. Click the project name or click Edit Edit icon.
  3. Click Observe.
  4. Click Integrations.

    The Design, Deploy, and Observe tabs appear. Below are the Integrations (selected), Instances, Subscriptions, Future runs, and Audit tabs. The filter for this page is displayed below. A table with columns for Name, Received, Processed, Succeeded, Errored, Aborted, and Last scheduled by.

  5. Click Filter Filter icon, then select the time window, integration status (active, configured, activating, failed, or all), and integration style (application, schedule, or event). You can also specify a custom time range to filter the search for integrations under Date range with the From and To buttons.
  6. Click numbers in the Received, Processed, Succeeded, Errored, and Aborted columns to access the list of instances in those states on the Instances tab of the project. If you click the Received number, instances are displayed based on their creation date. All other clickable numbers are sorted by their last updated date.
  7. Hover over a row for an integration and click View statistics View statistics to show aggregated instance metrics for the selected integration. For information about using the Statistics page, see Step 6 in Monitor the Message Processing Status of Integrations.

    The Statistics page shows the number of Received, Processed, Succeeded, Errored, and Aborted instances. Last 32 days is selected. There are also buttons for Hour and Day. Below are clickable colors for Minimum, Maximum, Average, and Standard deviation. Below this are buttons for 75 Percentile, 95 Percentile, and 99 Percentile. A graph shows the times and days for instances. Below this is another graph that shows instance counts and days. Below this is another graph for days.

Track Instances in a Project

You can filter and track the status of integration instances through business identifiers. You can also view the activity stream and message payload of an instance you are tracking and replay integration instances configured as replayable.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Projects.
  2. Click the project name or click Edit Edit icon.
  3. Click Observe.
  4. Click Instances.
    The status of each integration instance is displayed in a graph. Each potential integration status is identified by a specific color.
  5. View a specific status of your integration instances (for this example, Succeeded) in either of the following ways:
    1. View the graph to identify if there are successfully completed instances and click that part.
    2. Select Succeeded from the Status field in the Filter Filter icon icon.

      The page for a specific project shows the Design, Deploy, and Observe tabs. Below are Integrations, Instances, Subscriptions, Future runs, and Audit tabs. Below are search and filter icons. Below is a field that shows the latest filter settings. At the far right is the time stamp and refresh button. Below all these buttons and icons is a table with columns for Primary Identifier, instance ID, Business Identifiers, Status, and Duration. The table is populated with instance details. At the far right is a graph that shows the state of instances: Successful, Aborted, Queued, Blocked, Errored, In progress, Paused, and Resubmitted.

  6. Hover over the row of an integration instance and click View Details View details icon to access the activity stream.
  7. Click Download Download icon to download the logs. The Oracle Cloud identifier (OCID) value of your service instance is also included in the logs.
  8. Hover over the row of an integration instance and click Actions Actions icon, and then Run again to replay REST Adapter-triggered and AS2 Adapter-triggered integration instances configured as replayable. This feature is available both inside and outside of projects. See Capabilities and Restrictions and Understand the Differences Between Replaying and Recovering Instances.
  9. Hover over the row of an integration instance and click Actions Actions icon, and then View Child Instances to display child instances invoked by parent instances.
  10. To the right of the time stamp, click Chart View Chart view icon.
    1. View time lines for instances grouped by integration. The scale is shown in minutes by default.
      The following icons are displayed:
      • Bar icon: Indicates an instance has completed.
      • Diamond icon: Indicates an instance is incomplete (for example, has not started or is still running).
    2. Hover over either icon to display details such as instance ID and time stamp.
    3. Click Seconds to show the scale in seconds.
    4. Click Expand to show where there is overlap between completed instances and incomplete instances.
    5. Click Collapse.
  11. Click Back Back icon to return to the Observe tab.

View Subscribed Instances in a Project

You can monitor the number of integrations that subscribe to events, and their status, on the Subscriptions page in a project.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Projects.
  2. Click the project name or click Edit Edit icon.
  3. Click Observe.
  4. Click Subscriptions.
    The Subscriptions page shows the active event subscriptions in the project.
  5. Click Filter Filter icon to filter by event subscription integrations or retained events (events published, but not yet received by the event subscription integrations).

Manage Errors in a Project

You can manage errors that occur in integrations in a project.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Projects.
  2. Click the project name or click Edit icon.
  3. Click Observe.
  4. Click Instances.
  5. Identify if your project has errors in either of the following ways:
    1. View the graph to identify if there are errors and click that part. Each potential integration status is identified by a specific color.
    2. Select Errored from the Status field in the Filter Filter icon icon.
    The page is refreshed to display tracking information about errors.
  6. Hover over the row of an integration instance in error and click View Details View details icon to access the activity stream.
    You can view error messages and the message payload in the activity stream of failed integration instances. You can also download the activity stream logs and the payload of the failed section of an integration instance. See View Error Messages and the Message Payload in the Activity Stream of Failed Instances.
  7. Hover over the row of an integration instance in error and click Actions Actions icon to display other options:
    If You Select This Option... Then ...

    Respond when prompted to resubmit the message.

    See Resubmit Failed Messages.


    Respond when prompted to abort the message.

    See Discard Errors.


    The Schedule and future runs page is displayed.

    See View Future Schedule Integration Runs.

    View Child Instances View the child instances invoked by parent instances.
  8. Click Back Back icon to return to the Observe tab.

View the Schedule Integration Runs Calendar in a Project

You can view a calendar of all runs scheduled to trigger in the project in the future, across all schedule integrations whose schedules have started.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Projects.
  2. Click the project name or click Edit icon.
  3. Click Observe.
  4. Click Future runs. See View the Calendar of Schedule Integration Runs.

View the Design-Time Audit Log of a Project

You can view and download the design-time audit log of actions performed in a project.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Projects.
  2. Click the project name or click Edit icon.
  3. Click Observe.
  4. Click Audit.

    Each row represents a record. The ZIP file can contain a maximum of 10,000 audit records.

    The Design, Deploy, and Observe (which is selected) tabs appear at the top. The Download link appears to the right. At the far left are the Instances, Subscriptions, Future runs, and Audit (which is selected) tabs. Below those tabs is the search filter and label. Below is the number of audit records. Below this is a table with columns for Time, User, Action, and Message.

  5. Click Filter Filter icon to filter data by time window, integration name, user name, or actions such as activate and deactivate. You can click the Data range option to specify a date range that is greater than 32 days. If you are using projects, the project identifier is also included in the audit logs. Use this identifier to audit instance and error details.
  6. Click Download all to download a ZIP file of the entire audit log.
    For example:
    [2023-03-23 06:20:11.554 Z] [userID: myserviceadmin] [myserviceadmin,CREATE,ICS_AppInstance,OCI_NATIVE_FUNCTIONS_CONNECTION,OCI_NATIVE_FUNCTIONS_CONNECTION,null] User myserviceadmin created Connection OCI_NATIVE_FUNCTIONS_CONNECTION 
    [2023-03-10 18:05:48.559 Z] [userID: myserviceadmin] [myserviceadmin,CREATE,ICS_AppInstance,APPLICATION_EVENT_CONNECTION,APPLICATION_EVENT_CONNECTION,null] User myserviceadmin created Connection APPLICATION_EVENT_CONNECTION 
    [2023-03-10 18:05:48.349 Z] [userID: myserviceadmin] [myserviceadmin,CREATE,ICS_AppInstance,STAGE_FILE_CONNECTION,STAGE_FILE_CONNECTION,null] User myserviceadmin created Connection STAGE_FILE_CONNECTION 
    [2023-03-10 18:05:48.158 Z] [userID: myserviceadmin] [myserviceadmin,CREATE,ICS_AppInstance,PRESEEDED_B2B_TRANSLATOR_CONN_1851,B2B,null] User myserviceadmin created Connection B2B 
    [2023-03-10 18:05:47.750 Z] [userID: myserviceadmin] [myserviceadmin,CREATE,ICS_AppInstance,PRESEEDED_COLLOCATED_CONN_1741,Local Integration,null] User myserviceadmin created Connection Local Integration 
  7. Click Download filtered to download records based on the currently-selected filters that you configured with the Filter Filter icon option (data range, integration name, user name, and action).