Azure Active Directory Adapter Capabilities

The Azure Active Directory Adapter enables you to create an integration in Oracle Integration that connects to the Azure Active Directory service. You can configure the Azure Active Directory Adapter as a trigger connection and an invoke connection in an integration in Oracle Integration.

The Azure Active Directory Adapter supports trigger connections with the following capabilities:

  • Allows processing of notifications from Azure Active Directory to Oracle Integration.
  • Provides support for performing the Create, Update, Delete, and Permanent Delete actions on the selected resource such as User and Group.
  • Automatically renews webhook subscriptions every 29 days for activated integrations.
  • Supports the Azure AD composite security policy: Digital Signature for incoming requests and OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials for outgoing calls.

The Azure Active Directory Adapter supports invoke connections with the following capabilities:

  • Provides support to execute GET operations with query options such as $count, $expand, $filter, $orderby, $search, $select, and $top that are compatible with the OData version 4 query language. You can execute one query or a combination of queries at a time.
  • Supports a connectivity agent to provide connectivity with all Azure Active Directory service offerings.

  • Supports business objects: User, Organization, Application, and Groups.

  • Provides support for performing Create, Update, Get, List, Delete, Add, Remove, and so on operations on the selected business object.

  • Retrieves multiple objects from Azure Active Directory through the List operation.

  • Retrieves specific objects within Azure Active Directory using the Get operation.

  • Supports pagination.
  • Supports OAuth 2.0 security policies, including Client Credentials and Authorization Code Credentials for public gateway access.

  • Supports Client Credentials as the security policy for accessing an endpoint using a connectivity agent.

The Azure Active Directory Adapter is one of many predefined adapters included with Oracle Integration. See the Adapters page in the Oracle Help Center.