About RosettaNet

B2B for Oracle Integration supports the nonproprietary, XML-based RosettaNet standard to exchange documents over the internet. RosettaNet standards prescribe when to exchange, acknowledge, or confirm information, and how to package and physically exchange messages between trading partners.

RosettaNet Concepts

RosettaNet is a global standard for electronic B2B communication and collaboration in the supply chain management industry. RosettaNet includes a set of standardized message formats, business processes, and implementation frameworks to facilitate electronic data exchange and collaboration between trading partners.

A complete RosettaNet implementation consists of three core elements:
  • RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF)
    RNIF is a collection of specifications used to implement message exchange between trading partners over the internet. RNIF provides the following guidelines for RosettaNet partner interface processes (PIPs) messages and business signals:
    • Transport
    • Packaging
    • Authorization
    • Authentication
    • Encryption
    • Compression
    • Digital signature
    • Message digest
    • Nonrepudiation (so trading partners cannot dispute receiving a message)

    A RosettaNet business document is structured as follows:

    The RosettaNet business document shows a MIME multipart / related box. Inside that are three header boxes: Preamble, Delivery, and Service. Also inside the MIME multipart / related box are three Payload boxes: Service Content (Action / Signal Message), Attachment 1, and Attachment n. At the bottom right is an arrow that says RosettaNet Business-Message.

  • Partner Interface Processes (PIPs)

    RosettaNet PIPs define the sequence of steps required to execute a business process between two trading partners. B2B for Oracle Integration supports all PIPs. For example, the message exchange sequence for PIP 3A4 (Request Purchase Order) is as follows. This is a double-action PIP. For a double-action PIP, the initiator receives a response message and replies with an acknowledgment.

    The Purchase Order Transaction box has an arrow pointing inside the PIP 3A4: Request Purchase Order box. The arrow connections with an oval labeled Create Purchase Order. Three arrows on the bottom of this oval appear. One labeled Failed, one points to a box labeled Purchase Order Request, and one labeled Success. The Purchase Order Request box has an arrow on the right that points to an envelope labeled RNIF. This envelop has an arrow on the right that points to an oval labeled Process Purchase Order. This oval has an arrow at the top that points to a box labeled Purchase Order Confirmation. This box has an arrow on the left that points to an envelope labeled RNIF, which points back to the original oval labeled Create Purchase Order. At the bottom and outside the PIP 3A4: Request Purchase Order box are the words Buyer and Seller.

    A functional view of PIP 3A4 in action is as follows.

    The Buyer and Seller boxes appear at the left and right top, respectively. Below this is an arrow pointing to the seller labeled "1. signal(ReceiptAcknowledgement)." Below this are two arrows that point to the buyer: "1.1 signal(ReceiptAcknowledgement)" and "2. response(PurchaseOrderAcceptanceAction)." Below this is an arrow point to seller: "2.1 signal(ReceiptAcknowledgement)."

    For a single-action PIP, the only response is an acknowledgment signal message.

    See PIP Directory.

  • Business and technical dictionaries

    B2B for Oracle Integration Rosetta support doesn’t interpret the RosettaNet dictionaries. The dictionaries are left to interpretation by the backend applications.

How B2B for Oracle Integration Supports RosettaNet

You follow this workflow to use RosettaNet in B2B for Oracle Integration:

  • You configure the RosettaNet Adapter connection in the trigger direction and invoke direction. See RosettaNet Adapter Capabilities in Using the RosettaNet Adapter with Oracle Integration 3. This configuration is similar to the AS2 Adapter.
  • You create a RosettaNet schema (by uploading the required PIP) and document. See B2B Schemas and B2B Documents.
  • You correlate the message sequence by creating an XPath expression in the document. This ensures that the business document messages and wire messages are in the proper order at runtime on the Track B2B messages page.
  • You assign a RosettaNet-required DUNS business identifier with a nine digit, alphanumeric character value when defining the trading partners and select RosettaNet as the transport type. See Manage B2B Trading Partners.
  • You track the business document and wire messages for the B2B integration during runtime. See B2B Tracking.

    A Collaboration tab is provided for viewing. This tab enables you to ensure that the sequence of messages is correct at runtime. See Work with Business Messages.