Delimited Payload Support

B2B for Oracle Integration supports delimited payloads in inbound and outbound transactions. You create a schema and document from a delimited payload to use in integrations. During runtime, the delimited payload is translated to XML (and vice versa) based on the schema you created. Delimited payload support is provided in both standalone and trading partner modes.

The following example describes how B2B for Oracle Integration handles a flat delimited payload. You must provide segment and element terminators in your delimited payload to separate the data and successfully create a schema on the Schemas page in B2B for Oracle Integration. For this example, segments are identified by a pipe (|) terminator and elements within each segment are identified by a plus sign (+) terminator.

The delimited file shows the segments BGM, NAS, and NAB. Each is separated by a pipe terminator. Within each segment are elements that are separated by a plus sign. Each element is populated with data.

The corresponding translated XML in B2B for Oracle Integration at runtime looks as follows. Three segments (BGM, NAS, and NAB) are created, each with their individual elements.

The schema file shows segments for BGM, NAS, and NAB. Within the BGM segment are six elements beginning with BGM01 and going through BGM06.

When you create the schema on the Schemas page, you specify the following key details:
  • Select Delimited as the document standard.
  • Drag and drop the delimited payload.
  • Select the segment and element terminators (delimiters) that you specified in the delimited payload.
  • Manually specify values for the document version and type or select existing values.

The Create B2B schema shows fields for Document Standard, Drag and Drop, Selected file, Character encoding, Segment delimiter, Element delimiter, Document version, and Document type.


The segment and element delimiters cannot be the same value.

This creates a schema consisting of the segments and elements from the delimited payload. You can further customize the schema from the Actions menu by adding new segments, adding new elements, defining loops, and more. You can also view the defined terminators for the schema by selecting Edit info at the top of the page.

The schema details page shows labels for identifier and updated on at the top. In the upper right are buttons for Generate, Edit Info, and Save. Below this is a table with columns for Segment/Element, Position, Name, Requirement, Usage, and Element Type.

After schema definition is complete, you define a document from that schema to use in integrations on the Documents page, including:
  • Defining identifiers for document identifications at runtime.
  • Defining XPath expressions for business identifiers in the document.