REST Support

You can exchange inbound and outbound messages with trading partners over the REST transport in B2B for Oracle Integration. The REST transport is useful for trading partners that don't use EDI or RosettaNet and can exchange messages using web forms or WebUI.

You send and receive messages over REST calls using existing REST Adapter connections configured in Oracle Integration. You can also exchange EDI, X12, and custom XML documents over the REST transport.

How B2B for Oracle Integration Supports REST

You follow this workflow to use REST in B2B for Oracle Integration:

  • You configure the REST Adapter as a trigger (inbound) connection and invoke (outbound) connection. These connections are used for connectivity to your trading partners. See Create a REST Adapter Connection in Using the REST Adapter with Oracle Integration 3. You can configure these connections either outside of B2B for Oracle Integration or within B2B for Oracle Integration during REST transport configuration.
  • You select REST as the transport to use. See Define Transports.
  • You specify the REST Adapter connections to receive inbound messages and send outbound messages when configuring the REST transport.


    Only XML documents are currently tested and certified.
  • You track the business document and wire messages for the B2B integration during runtime. See B2B Tracking.