Migrate B2B Artifacts from Oracle SOA Suite to Oracle Integration

You can migrate B2B artifacts from Oracle SOA Suite to Oracle Integration. Migration involves exporting a ZIP file of B2B artifacts, then importing those artifacts into Oracle Integration through use of a REST OpenAPI interface and a REST client tool such as Postman.

Which B2B Artifacts Can Be Migrated

Before beginning migration, it is important to understand which B2B artifacts in Oracle SOA Suite can be migrated to Oracle Integration.

Can Be Migrated Cannot Be Migrated
  • Host profile
  • Trading partners (properties, contacts, identifiers)
  • Transport protocols (AS2, REST, FTP, RosettaNet)
  • Inbound and outbound agreements
  • Agreement parameters
  • Transport connections
  • Transport template integrations
  • Schemas and schema parameters (EDI, OAG, custom, and RosettaNet)
  • Documents and document parameters (EDI, OAG, custom, and RosettaNet)

The following artifacts are ignored if included in the exported ZIP file.

  • SOA connections / endpoints
  • SOA composite applications
  • SOA security configurations
  • HL7 document protocol
  • The following delivery/transport protocols:
    • AS1
    • AS4
    • ebMS,
    • MLLP
    • Generic-AQ
    • Generic-JMS
    • Genaric-Email
    • Generic TCP
    • Generic MFT

How Do You Migrate B2B Artifacts

You create an export file of B2B artifacts that consists of one or multiple ZIP files. The following types of B2B export files are supported for migration.
Scope of Export Description Example
Entire repository (in a ZIP file) The ZIP file consists of all data in the B2B design-time repository, including agreements in all states, all trading partner configurations, and so on.
The ZIP file shows a top level soa folder that includes a b2b subfolder that includes all data in the B2B design-time repository.

Single agreement (in a ZIP file) The ZIP file consists of data in one selected active agreement, including all data in the B2B design-time repository such as all agreements in active states, all trading partner configurations, and so on.
The ZIP file shows a top level soa folder, with a b2b subfolder that includes data in one selected active agreement.

Multiple agreements (one ZIP file per agreement inside a parent ZIP file) Multiple selected active agreements, including all data in the B2B design-time repository, such as agreements in active states, all trading partner configurations, and so on.
The ZIP file shows a top level soa folder, with a b2b subfolder that includes multiple selected active agreements.

Migrate B2B Artifacts to Oracle Integration

  1. Export the Oracle B2B artifacts in Oracle SOA Suite. See Importing and Exporting Data in Using Oracle B2B. The export utility performs the following tasks:
    • Exports all resources: Exports all active and inaction agreements.
    • Exports selected agreements: Allows only active agreements.

    When the ZIP file is imported into Oracle Integration, whatever the specific contents are of the file are imported.

  2. Invoke the REST OpenAPI interface to import the ZIP file. See Trading Partner Migration from SOA-B2B REST Endpoints in the B2B section of the REST API for Oracle Integration 3.
  3. Open a REST client. For this example, Postman is used.
  4. In the Value column, click Select Files.
  5. Select the ZIP file to import into Oracle Integration, then click Send.

    The Postman application is shown. The Body tab is selected and the Value column shows the selected ZIP file. The Send button is in the upper right corner.

  6. Sign in to Oracle Integration.
  7. In the navigation pane, click B2B, then Trading partners.
  8. Open each trading partner to see the artifacts populated in the Properties, Contacts, B2B identifiers, and Transports & agreements sections.
  9. Click View View icon for a transport name in the Transports & agreements section and note that a placeholder connection has been populated into the Trading partner's connection (trigger and invoke) field.
  10. Scroll to the bottom of the Transports & agreements section and note that template integrations have been generated.
  11. Click Host profile, Schemas, and Documents to see the imported artifacts.
  12. In the navigation pane, click Design, then Connections.
  13. Note that a connection has been created for the transport. Update your connection with the endpoint to use. Perform this task for any other connections created by the import.
  14. Return to the Transports & agreements section.
  15. Find the transport name with the placeholder connection.
  16. From the Actions Actions icon menu, select Deploy to deploy the transport. Perform this task for any other connections created by the import.
  17. In the navigation pane, click Design, then Integrations. to view the template integrations that were created.