GCP Pub Sub Adapter Capabilities

The GCP Pub Sub Adapter enables users to create an integration in Oracle Integration that connects to a GCP Pub Sub messaging system. The GCP Pub Sub Adapter connects to the GCP Pub Sub distributed publish-subscribe messaging system from Oracle Integration and allows for the publishing and subscribing of messages from a GCP Pub Sub topic. The GCP Pub Sub Adapter can be configured as a trigger connection or an invoke connection in an integration in Oracle Integration.

The GCP Pub Sub Adapter provides the following capabilities:

  • Serves as both an event producer/publisher and an event consumer/subscriber for GCP Pub Sub.
  • Supports the publishing and subscription of JSON and Avro formatted messages.
  • Uses GCP Pub Sub's push-based message delivery to webhooks made available by the GCP Pub Sub Adapter for message subscription.
  • Supports pull messages and acknowledge messages.
  • Supports enabling dead lettering and retaining acknowledged messages.
  • Supports processing message payloads of up to 10 MB in size.

  • Supports JWT-based validation of inbound requests.
  • Supports JWT User Assertion for OAuth and JWT Validation for authentication against GCP Pub Sub for message subscribing in trigger connections.
  • Supports Authorization Code Credentials and JWT User Assertion for OAuth authentication against GCP Pub Sub for invoke connections.
  • Supports OAuth Code Credentials authentication for authenticating against GCP Pub Sub for message publishing.
  • Supports direct connectivity with publicly accessible GCP Pub Sub.

The GCP Pub Sub Adapter is one of many predefined adapters included with Oracle Integration.