OData Adapter Capabilities

The OData Adapter (short for Open Data Protocol) enables you to integrate a cloud application that exposes data by OData services with Oracle Integration. In addition, the OData Adapter enables you to integrate on-premises applications, which expose OData APIs, with Oracle Integration using the connectivity agent. You can configure the OData Adapter as an invoke connection in an integration in Oracle Integration.

The OData Adapter provides the following capabilities:

  • Supports performing Create, Update, Delete, Get, Query, and Replace operations on the selected entity.

  • Supports the query options: $expand (select navigation properties), $select (select required fields in response), $filter, $orderby, $inlinecount, $top, and $skip.

  • Supports consuming OData endpoints.

  • Communicates with an OData API in the OData protocol.

  • Supports the following batch operations for OData version 4 when you integrate cloud and on-premises applications through the connectivity agent with Oracle Integration:
    • Retrieve Operation (Get or Query)
    • Modification Operation (Create, Update, Replace, or Delete)
  • Supports the JSON and ATOM-XML message formats for OData version 2.
  • Supports the JSON message format for OData version 4.
  • Supports custom queries for the Query operation.
  • Supports adding custom headers. You can add custom headers values on the Request Headers page and/or Response Headers page.
  • Provides multilevel navigation ($expand on child entities) support for the Get and Query operations.
  • Provides deep insert support for the Create operation.
  • Supports operations such as Get, Query, Create, Update, Replace, Delete on a contained entity (Containment Navigation property) for OData version 4.
  • Supports connecting to private resources that are in your virtual cloud network (VCN) with a private endpoint. See Connect to Private Resources in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3 and Configure the Endpoint Access Type. This type of connection does not use the connectivity agent.
  • Supports pagination.
  • Supports OData APIs protected using OAuth Client Credentials, OAuth Authorization Code Credentials, Client Certificate-Based, and Basic Authentication.
  • Supports two-way SSL using the Client Certificate based security policy.

The OData Adapter is one of many predefined adapters included with Oracle Integration. See the Adapters page in the Oracle Help Center.