IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter Capabilities

The IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter enables you to create an integration in Oracle Integration.

The IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter provides the following support:

  • Allows messages to be consumed and published on queues or topics.
  • Supports messages of type text or bytes.
  • Provides an option to deliver the message in a persistent or nonpersistent mode over the IBM JMS Server.
  • Allows you to specify the message payload structure as JSON or XML.
  • Enables you to prioritize the order in which a message is published or consumed.
  • Supports message selector filtering for inbound operations.
  • Allows you to decide the lifetime of messages over topics or queues.
  • Supports standard and custom JMS headers.
  • Supports using the IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter in an IBM MQ Series SSL-enabled environment.

You can configure the IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter as a trigger or invoke connection in an integration in Oracle Integration. The IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter is one of many predefined adapters included with Oracle Integration. See the Adapters page in the Oracle Help Center.