Invoke Operations Page

Select the Microsoft Graph REST API operation to perform.

The Microsoft Office 365 Calendar Adapter supports the selection of Microsoft Graph REST API operations from the Select Operation list.

Operation Description

Get user’s primary calendar

Returns the properties of the primary calendar.

Create a calendar

Creates a calendar in the default calendar group.

Get a calendar view

Returns the occurrences, exceptions, and single instances of events from the user’s primary calendar for a specific time range.

Sync user’s calendar

Synchronizes and adds, updates, or deletes events in the user’s primary calendar for a specific time range.

Sync a specific calendar

Synchronizes and adds, updates, or deletes events in a specific calendar for a specific time range.

Get an event

Returns event information from the user’s primary calendar or from a different calendar.

Get series master and single instance events

Returns a collection of series master and single instance events from the user’s primary calendar or from a different calendar.

Create event

Creates an event in the user’s primary calendar.

Create event in a specific calendar

Creates an event in a specific calendar.

Accept event

Accepts the specified event.

Tentatively accept event

Tentatively accepts the specified event.

Decline event

Declines an invitation to a specified event.

Delete a calendar event

Moves an event to the Deleted Items folder. If the event is a meeting, a cancellation notice is sent to all attendees.

Get event instances

Returns the all instances of an event for a specific time range.

Delete attachments Delete the specified attachment from an event.
Get an attachment collection Get the attachments from a particular event.
Get an attachment Get an attachment from a particular event.
Create a file attachment Create a file attachment.