Salesforce Adapter Capabilities

The Salesforce Adapter enables you to create an integration with Salesforce CRM applications.

The Salesforce Adapter provides the following benefits:
  • Supports connecting to private resources that are in your virtual cloud network (VCN) with a private endpoint. See Connect to Private Resources in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3 and Configure the Endpoint Access Type. This type of connection does not use the connectivity agent.
  • Enables simplified bidirectional integration with
  • Discovers business objects and operations and provides easy mapping to and from business objects.

  • Provides ease of use in the mapper by recommending the most frequently-used business objects and renders human readable names for the elements found in Salesforce business objects for easy mapping.
  • Provides support for performing the following type of operations against business objects fetched from the Salesforce application:

    • Bulk Create, Update, Upsert, Delete, and so on operations on all of the business objects supported by Salesforce

    • Bulk 2.0 Create, Update, Upsert, Delete, and so on operations on all of the business objects supported by Salesforce
    • Core (Convertlead, GetDeleted, GetUpdated, Process, Merge, Undelete, and Upsert)
    • CRUD (create, delete, retrieve, and update) operations
    • Declaratively defining and executing SOQL and SOSL queries
    • Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL) search operation
    • Utility (GetUserInfo, GetServerTimestamp, and SendEmail) operations

    See Process Large Data Sets Asynchronously with Different Bulk Operations and Use Bulk Response Operations in an Integration.

    See Process Large Data Sets Asynchronously with Different Bulk 2.0 Data Operations and Get Successful, Failed, and Unprocessed Records Using the Bulk 2.0 Operations.

  • Supports all custom objects defined by the user and custom fields created at along with the standard objects and fields.
  • Supports consuming custom Apex classes developed and exposed as SOAP services in

  • Supports receiving notifications (events) sent with outbound messaging and the Streaming API (that is, platform events and change data capture events) from

  • Supports trigger (source) callbacks.

  • Supports Salesforce APIs protected using OAuth two-legged and three-legged token-based authentication and user name token-based authentication.