Design a B2B Standalone Mode Integration

You can design integrations in B2B standalone mode in Oracle Integration without use of trading partner definitions. This section provides a high-level overview of how to configure the AS2 Adapter and the B2B action in a B2B standalone integration to send an outbound EDI message to a business partner.

  1. Create an app-driven orchestration integration.
  2. Add and configure a REST Adapter as a trigger connection.
  3. Add an AS2 Adapter as an invoke connection.
    The Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard is displayed.
  4. On the Basic Info page, select Standalone mode.

    The Cancel and Done buttons appear at the top. Below this are previous and Next icons. Between the icons are the links for the pages in the wizard: Basic Info (which is selected), Identifier, Headers and Packaging, MDN Options, and Summary. Below this are fields for the name of the endpoint and what does the endpoint does. Below this are radio buttons for B2B Trading Partner mode and Standalone mode (which is selected).
  5. On the Identifiers page, specify the host trading partner identifier (sending the message) and the target trading partner identifier (receiving the message). These fields are required in the outbound direction and optional in the inbound direction.

    The Cancel and Done buttons appear at the top. Below this are previous and Next icons. Between the icons are the links for the pages in the wizard: Basic Info, Identifier (which is selected), Headers and Packaging, MDN Options, and Summary. Below this is the Identifiers section, with fields for Host AS2 Identifier (AS2-From) and Partner's AS2 Identifier (AS2-To).

  6. On the Headers and Packaging page, enter the subject, the context type of the payload, and (optionally) the encryption, signing, and compression details, as needed. For this example, EDI-X12 is the content type.

    The Cancel and Done buttons appear at the top. Below this are previous and Next icons. Between the icons are the links for the pages in the wizard: Basic Info, Identifier, Headers and Packaging (which is selected), MDN Options, and Summary. Below this is the Headers and Packaging section, with fields for the subject for outbound AS2 messages, the content type of the payload, other media type, encrypt outbound message, sign outbound message, and compress outbound message.

  7. On the MDN page, select the type of message delivery network (MDN) for the endpoint to request to the trading partner. For this example, an immediate synchronous response is selected.

    The Cancel and Done buttons appear at the top. Below this are previous and Next icons. Between the icons are the links for the pages in the wizard: Basic Info, Identifier, Headers and Packaging, MDN Options (which is selected), and Summary. Below this is the MDN Options section, with radio buttons for Sync, Async, and None. Below this are fields for Flow Identifier and Flow Version. Below this is a check box for Request the MDN be digitally signed by the tracking partner.

  8. On the Summary page, review your selections and click Done.
  9. In the mapper, perform the necessary mappings between the source and target elements.
  10. Drag a B2B action into the integration canvas.
    The Configure B2B Action Wizard is displayed.
  11. On the Basic Info page, enter a name and select Standalone mode.
  12. On the Select Data Formats page, select the translation direction and the type of EDI message to send. For this example, an X12 message of document version 4010 and document type 850 is selected.

    This image shows the Configure B2B Action wizard. The Cancel and Done buttons appear at the top. Below this are previous and Next icons. Between the icons are the links for the pages in the wizard: Basic Info, Select Operation, Select Data Formats (which is selected), Translate Sample Data, and Summary. The Select Data Formats section includes radio buttons for Inbound EDI message to Oracle Integration message and Oracle Integration message to outbound EDI message. Below this are fields for Document Standard, Document Version, Document Type, and Document Definition.

    UTF8 EDI character encoding and input data validation are automatically selected.

    The EDI Character Encoding field is shown. Below this is the Perform validation on input data section, with buttons for Yes and No.

  13. On the Translate Sample Data page, drag the payload to translate into the wizard and click Translate to validate the output payload.

    This image shows the Configure B2B Action wizard. The Cancel and Done buttons appear at the top. Below this are previous and Next icons. Between the icons are the links for the pages in the wizard: Basic Info, Select Operation, Select Data Formats, Translate Sample Data (which is selected), and Summary. The Translate Sample Data indicates the schema was generated successfully for X12, version 4010, type 850 (purchase order), definition standard. Below this is a Drag and Drop box, Translate button, and Output of translation box.

  14. Assign business identifiers and save the integration.
    When complete, the integration looks as follows.

    The integration shows the trigger, map, invoke, assign, and end icons.

  15. On the Integrations page, hover your cursor over the integration and select Actions Actions icon, then Run.
  16. Click Body to view the payload, then click Run.

    The Configure and run page shows buttons for Endpoint metadata and Track instances. Below this is the POST URL. Below this is the Request section, with tabs for URI parameters, Headers, Body (which is selected), cURL, and Integration properties. Below this is the Text radio button (which is selected) and the File radio button.

  17. View the activity stream when processing completes.

    The activity steam shows the tracing level is set to debug. Three icons appear to the right. Below this are the milestone of the message being processed. The last milestone says that processing completed successfully.

    Because this is a B2B standalone integration, you view instance status on the Instances page. You cannot view instance status from the Track B2B messages page for B2B standalone integrations.

  18. In the navigation pane, click Observability, then Instances.