View Minimal Details About Debug Tracing Level Instances for 32 Days

When you select the Debug (not recommended) option as your tracing level in the Activate integration panel, data is retained for 24 hours before being purged. However, you can view minimal details about the instances for up to 32 days in the Instances page and Errors page. Only the instance ID, instance status, and time duration information are retained. All payload, business identifiers, activity stream, and error message data is purged.

  1. Go to the Errors page or the Instances page.
    1. In the navigation pane, click Observability, then Errors.
    1. In the navigation pane, click Observability, then Instances.
  2. From the Filter Filter icon, select Display instances, then Purged.
    On the Errors Page, the instance ID and time of the error are displayed for up to 32 days.

    The Errors page shows a filter icon and any defined filters at the top. In the upper right is the Search field, Abort button, and Retry button. Below is a table with columns for Primary identifier (a check box), Instance ID, Fault location, and Error time.

    On the Instances page, the instance ID, instance status and instance duration are displayed for up to 32 days.

    The Instances page shows a filter icon and any defined filters at the top. In the upper right is the timestamp. Below is a table with columns for Primary identifier, Instance ID, Status, Business identifiers, and Duration.

    Note the following:
    • In the Primary Identifier column, the Purged instance label is displayed for each purged instance.
    • You cannot click the purged instance identifier to access graphical details about the instance.
    • You cannot perform any actions on this instance, such as resubmitting or aborting the instance on the Errors page, selecting options from Actions Actions icon on the Instances page, and viewing the activity stream on either page. If you select the activity stream, the following message is displayed:
      This data is no longer available