Set the Time Limit for Inactive Sessions

You can set the time limit for inactive sessions in an Oracle Integration instance. This setting automatically signs out a currently authenticated user after a specified period of inactivity. This setting impacts all the users of the instance and takes effect after a user signs out and signs back in.

Note the following behavior:
  • Only a user with the ServiceAdministrator role can view the Security page and set the time limit for an inactive session in an Oracle Integration instance.
  • The default value for an inactive session in an instance is 60 minutes, unless a user with the ServiceAdministrator role sets it to another value.
  • The minimum and maximum values for session inactivity timeouts are 15 minutes and 60 minutes, respectively.
  • Assume you have multiple open tabs in your browser for the same integration instance.
    • You are actively working in one tab.
    • The other tab remains idle.
    When the session inactivity timeout value for the integration instance is reached for the idle tab, you are not logged out of either tab.
  • Assume user A is signed in when the session inactivity timeout is set to 45 minutes. A user with the ServiceAdministrator role then changes the setting to 30 minutes. The previous setting of 45 minutes remains in effect for user A as long as they are signed in. Once they sign out and sign back in, the setting of 30 minutes takes effect.
  1. In the navigation pane, click Settings, then Security.

    The Idle session timeout section shows the Session times out after 15 minutes slider. The slider shows a maximum value of 60 seconds.

  2. Drag the slider to the applicable session inactivity value.
  3. Click Save.
  4. If you want to revert to the previous session inactivity value, click Revert .