Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

You must satisfy the following prerequisites to create a connection with the SAP ASE (Sybase) Adapter:

Prerequisites to Access the SAP ASE Database

  • Ensure that you have write permissions on the database.

  • Ensure that you have the required permissions to run stored procedures and packages and SQL statements against the SAP ASE database.

  • Know the database hostname or IP address and the port number.

  • Know the database name.

  • Know the username and password for connecting to the database.

  • Install the connectivity agent. The connectivity agent is required to connect Oracle Integration with an SAP ASE (Sybase) on-premises database. See Configure the Endpoint Access Type.
  • Download a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) .jar file and place it in the third-party lib folder while configuring the connectivity agent. A JDBC driver enables a Java application to interact with a database. See SAP ASE JDBC Driver.

Prerequisites to Use Trigger Polling

Perform the following prerequisite before you use trigger polling.
  • You must use the following ROWLOCK command in the database configuration at table level. ROWLOCK tells the SAP ASE server to only use row-level locks to ensure data consistency. This is a one-time setup.
    alter table table_name lock datarows
  • You must use the following command at the schema or database level. This is a one-time setup.
    sp_configure "select for update", 1

Prerequisites to Use Bulk Data Import

Perform the following prerequisites before using the bulk data import operation.

  • Have either admin privileges or know the database/file location.
  • Have read, write, create, and delete file permissions for the mount location.
  • Ensure that the mount path is local to the SAP ASE database and accessible by the SAP ASE database.
  • Enable a drop table using Data Definition Language (DDL) commands at the connection credentials level. Run the following command from the master database and specify the database name for the table. This is a single time activity.
    sp_dboption database_name, 'ddl in tran', 'true' from db side
  • Enable network discovery and configure/folder sharing.
  • Enable external file system access using sp_configure.
    sp_configure "enable file access", 1

    See External File System Access.

  • Ensure that file header names match with target table fields and the order of fields is the same.

Prerequisites to Use an SSL Certificate

If you want the SAP ASE (Sybase) Adapter to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), you must import the respective certificate on the connectivity agent host. For example:
keytool -importcert -keystore keystore.p12 -storepass changeit -alias sybasecertificate 
-noprompt -file certificate_file -trustcacerts

Where SAP_ASE_SSL_Certificate is the complete path to the \agenthome\agent\cert directory of the certificate file. See Install a Certificate on the Agent Host in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.