Upgrade Workflow Quick Reference

Oracle completes the majority of upgrade work on your behalf. All you need to do is complete some required steps and specify your requirements.

Before the Upgrade

A timeline with the following entries: 1. You complete prerequisites. 2. Oracle schedules your upgrade. 3. You configure upgrade settings. 4. Oracle checks your instance. 5. You complete pre-upgrade tasks. 6. Oracle reminds you about upgrade. 7. You pause development.


You can perform the prerequisites before or after Oracle schedules your upgrade, but they must be completed before your upgrade date.
Timing Oracle You Task Details
Any time before upgrade   You Complete prerequisites Time to complete: Varies

To get your instance ready for upgrade, complete all prerequisites.

See Complete Upgrade Prerequisites.

At least one month before upgrade Oracle   Schedules your upgrade Oracle sends you an email with your upgrade date. You can also see this on the Upgrade page and in a message in the banner. Continue working in Oracle Integration Generation 2 until upgrade.
Ongoing basis Oracle   Checks your instance Oracle periodically checks whether your instance is ready for upgrade.


After scheduling the upgrade, Oracle checks the instance to make sure that it is still ready for upgrade. If not, Oracle emails you about any issues so that you can address them. See Correct an Instance with Failed Readiness Checks.
After receiving upgrade email   You Configure upgrade settings Time to complete: 10 minutes

After you receive the upgrade email, configure your upgrade settings.

For details, see 2. Schedule the Upgrade and Configure Settings.

Up to one week before upgrade   You Reschedule upgrade if needed Time to complete: 5 minutes

If you need to change your upgrade window, you can do so if your upgrade date is seven or more business days away. Oracle sends an email confirmation after you reschedule.

For details, see 2. Schedule the Upgrade and Configure Settings.

Two weeks before upgrade   You Complete pre-upgrade tasks Time to complete: Varies, about 15 minutes

As your upgrade date approaches, about two weeks before upgrade, update your allowlists and complete additional pre-upgrade tasks.

See 3. Update Allowlists and Complete Pre-Upgrade Tasks.

Two days before upgrade Oracle   Reminds you about the upgrade Several days before upgrade, Oracle send an email reminding you about the upgrade.
Two days before upgrade   You Pause development Time to complete: Not applicable

Pause or limit your development work to help ensure a successful upgrade.

See Limit Development Work Before the Upgrade.

During and After Upgrade

A timeline with the following entries: 1. Oracle notifies you when upgrade starts. 2. Oracle upgrades your instance, and you wait for the upgrade to complete. 3. Oracle notifies you when upgrade completes. 4. You complete post-upgrade tasks.

Timing Oracle You Task Details
Day of the upgrade, before it starts Oracle   Informs you that the upgrade started Oracle sends an email to inform you that the upgrade started.
Day of the upgrade Oracle   Upgrades your instance See Wait for the Upgrade to Complete.
Day of the upgrade   You Wait for the upgrade to complete Time to complete: Not applicable.

The upgrade takes less than ten minutes. Your Oracle Integration Generation 2 instance is unavailable during the downtime.

See Wait for the Upgrade to Complete.

Day of the upgrade, after it finishes Oracle   Informs you that the upgrade completed After the upgrade, Oracle sends an email to inform you that the upgrade completed successfully or if there was an issue.
Day of the upgrade, or up to ten days after   You Complete post-upgrade requirements Time to complete: Varies, about 20 minutes, or longer for comprehensive regression testing.

Access the new Oracle Integration 3 instance using your existing URLs and credentials, and perform verification tasks as needed. For example, some organizations perform regression testing after upgrades.

See 5. Complete Post-Upgrade Tasks.