Manage App Settings

Because an app can include multiple pages and flows, settings at the app level apply to all the pages and flows within it.

To configure an app's settings, open the app, then click Settings to open the Settings editor:
Description of setting-app.png follows
Description of the illustration setting-app.png

Here's how you can use the different app-level settings:
Tab/Setting Description
General tab Manage general app settings:
Default Page

Default root page which provides the entry point for your app. It typically contains a shell with common elements like a header, footer, and a container that embeds your app's flow.

The default root page is named shell for web apps and is automatically generated when you create an app. It embeds the default flow that is invoked when your app is first launched. This means that when the app is run, the default page in the default flow (for example, main-start in main) is rendered. If you want any other page to be rendered, change the Default Page setting in the flow's Settings editor. If you want to render the default page in a completely different flow, change the Default Flow in the root page's Settings editor.

You can use your own custom root page, instead of the default shell page. To create the page directly from here and set it as the app's default page, click Create, then use the Go to Page link to design the page in the Page Designer. See Customize Your App's Root Page.

Theme UI theme that provides a consistent look and feel across the app. The default theme is Redwood. See Style and Theme Visual Builder Applications.
Favicon (Light Theme) Default favicon used with the default light theme to uniquely identify your application in browser tabs, bookmarks, shortcuts, and more. To change the default favicon used in the light theme, add your icon to the image gallery, then switch the icon used in this setting.
Favicon (Dark Theme) Default favicon used with the dark theme to uniquely identify your application in browser tabs, bookmarks, shortcuts, and more. To change the default favicon used in the dark theme, add your icon to the image gallery, then switch the icon used in this setting.
Description Optional description of the app.
Imports tab Manage resources such as custom CSS files, modules, and components imported at the app level, allowing you to create declarative references in your app's pages to those resources. See Manage Custom Component, CSS, and Module Imports.
PWA tab Enable Progressive Web Support (PWA) support, allowing your app to be installed on user devices for a more native experience. See Enable Progressive Web App Support.
Security tab

Manage authentication to prevent unauthorized access to the app. By default, users must sign in using their Oracle Cloud credentials to access the app. You can further restrict access to the app (as well as its flows and pages) based on user roles defined at the visual application level. See Restrict User Access to an Application, Flow, or Page. Alternatively, you can allow anonymous access if you don't require users to sign in. See Allow Anonymous Access.

While user roles can be added in the Settings editor at the app, flow, or page level, permissions are inherited from the parent. So a page inherits permissions from the parent flow, and a flow inherits permissions from the app.

You can also use settings here to embed your web app in another app as well as delegate authentication for service connections.

Translations Create translation bundles for the app, in addition to the default one, to use with a third-party translation tool. See Create Translation Bundles.

If you're working with imported mobile apps, your settings might be slightly different. See Configure Mobile Application Settings.