Manage Autonomous Database Software Images

You can manage an Autonomous Database software image from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.

View a list of Autonomous Database Software Images

You can view a list of Autonomous Database software images in a compartment using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.

Required IAM Policies

inspect auto-db-software-img


  1. Go to Autonomous Database in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
  2. In the side menu's list of Autonomous Database resource types, click Autonomous Database software images.
    The Autonomous Database software images page is displayed, showing the list of Autonomous Database software images in your current Compartment. To see the list for a different Compartment, choose its name from the side menu’s Compartment list.
The following details are displayed for each Autonomous Database software image in the list:
  • State of the resource such as Updating, Provisioning, Available, etc.
  • Database version of the Autonomous Database software image
  • Date and time of creation of the resource.

View Details of an Autonomous Database Software Image

Follow these steps to view detailed information about an Autonomous Database software image.

Required IAM Policies

inspect auto-db-software-img


  1. Go to Autonomous Database in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.

    For instructions, see Access Autonomous Database in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console .

  2. In the side menu’s list of Autonomous Database resource types, click Autonomous Database software images.

    The Autonomous Database software images page is displayed, showing the list of Autonomous Database software images in your current Compartment. To see the list for a different Compartment, choose its name from the side menu’s Compartment list.

  3. Click the name of the Autonomous Database software image whose details you want to view.

    The Details page for the chosen Autonomous Database software image is displayed.

Actions Allowed

You can perform a variety of actions on the Details page for an Autonomous Database software image.

Action Steps
Move Autonomous Database software image to a different compartment Click Move Resource. On the Move Resource to a Different Compartment dialog, choose the new compartment and click Move Resource.
Add tags to the Autonomous Database software image Click Add Tags.
Terminate the Autonomous Database software image Click Delete and follow the instructions in Delete an Autonomous Database Software Image.
View or copy Autonomous Database software image's OCID On the Autonomous Database software image information tab, click Show or Copy in the OCID field.
View or copy one-off patches On the Autonomous Database software image information tab, click Show or Copy in the One-off patches field.

Resources Listed

As you scroll down, the following resources associated with this Autonomous Database software image are listed on the Autonomous Database software imagedetails page:

  • Work Requests: All the work requests associated with this Autonomous Database software image are listed along with their state and other details.

Delete an Autonomous Database Software Image

Follow these steps to terminate an Autonomous Database software image.

Required IAM Policies

manage auto-db-software-img


  1. Go to the Details page of the Autonomous Database software image that you want to move. See View Details of an Autonomous Database Software Image.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. Confirm that you wish to terminate your Autonomous Database software image in the confirmation dialog.
  4. Click Delete.