Create a Long-Term Backup

In addition to automatic backups, Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure also allows you to take manual backups that can be retained for a minimum of 90 days and a maximum of 10 years.


Long-term backups are not available with Autonomous Database for Developers instances. See Autonomous Database for Developers for more details.


You can create a long-term backup from the Details page of an Autonomous Database.

Required IAM Policies

Oracle Public Cloud Deployments:
  • read autonomous-databases
  • manage autonomous-backups
Exadata Cloud@Customer Deployments:
  • read autonomous-databases
  • manage autonomous-backups
  • inspect backup-destinations


  1. Go to the Details page of the Autonomous Database for which you want to create a long-term backup.

    For instructions, see View Details of an Autonomous Database on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure.


    In an Autonomous Data Guard setup, you can initiate a long-term backup from the primary or standby database. However, the long-term backup is created only where it is initiated. Suppose you want long-term backups for both the primary and standby databases. In that case, you have to initiate two long-term backups, one from the primary and the other from the standby database.
  2. Scroll down and locate Backups under Resources.
  3. Click Create long-term backup.
  4. Provide the following details in the Create long-term backup dialog:
    Setting Description Notes
    Name A user-friendly description or other information that helps you easily identify the backup.

    Must be 1 to 30 characters, of letters, numbers, underscores (_) and hyphens (-).

    Must start with a letter or underscore(_), cannot contain two successive hyphens(--) or cannot end with a hyphen(-).

    Backup Destination

    Backup destination type: This is defaulted to Network File System (NFS) and can not be modified.

    Backup destination: Select a backup destination from the list of backup destinations, changing compartments if necessary.

    APPLIES TO: Applicable Exadata Cloud@Customer only

    Irrespective of the parent container database's backup destination type, your long-term backup's destination remains NFS.

    To learn more about configuring NFS backup destination for Cloud@Customer, see Prerequisites for Backup Destinations for Exadata Database Service on Cloud@Customer

    Retention Period Set the retention period for the long-term backup. The minimum allowed value for retention period is 90 days and the maximum 10 years.
  5. Click Create.


    While backing up a database, the database is fully functional; however during the backup, life cycle management operations are not allowed. For example, stopping the database is not allowed during the backup.