Prepare for JDBC Thin Connections

You prepare for JDBC thin connections by downloading and installing Oracle Database JDBC Driver and then downloading the client credentials for your Autonomous Database and making them available to Oracle Database JDBC Driver.

  1. Go to the Oracle JDBC Downloads page and select the latest version of the drivers.

  2. On the Driver & UCP Downloads page, accept the OTN License Agreement, and then download ojdbc10-full.tar.gz or ojdbc8-full.tar.gz, depending on the version of JDK you are using.

  3. Download the zip file containing client credentials for your database to a secure directory on your computer.

    This zip file is available for download from the database's Details page in the Oracle Cloud console. See Download Client Credentials for information on downloading client credentials for Autonomous Database.

  4. Unzip the client credentials zip file.

  5. Create the TNS_ADMIN environment variable, setting its value to the full path of the directory where you unzipped the client credentials.